Req9-10, Greens & more sale!(B/O&Offers)

Archress Shayleigh

Archress Shayleigh

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2009

Guild Hall


Hey guys, this is Shayleigh and after a long time of stacking items I've decided to open a thread of sales!
*** NOTE: If not contacted in ONE WEEK I will relist. It is not my responsibility to contact you.***


Insightful Tormented Curses Staff of Fortitude
"Hale & Hearty"
B/O = 20e

Miella's Focus (1k)
Totem Axe (4k)
Shatterstone (2k)
Avarr's Scepter (5k)
Grenth's Grasp (5k)
Kole's Torment (3k)
Droknar's Water Scepter (4k)
Rotwing Recurve Bow (5k)
Deldrimor Earth Scepter (5k)
Wenslauss' Faith (3k)

Golds; **NOTE: all items are max dmg and insc unless mentioned otherwise. MODS ARE NOT CONSIDERED UNLESS MENTIONED meaning that items will not be with good modifications on them unless otherwise mentioned.

Holy Staff (Divine favor) (3k)
Bleached Skull (Soul Reaping) (3k)
Scrying Glass Staff (Inspiration) (4k)
Blazing Wing Wand (Fire) (5k)
Illusory Staff (Illusion) (3k)
Holy Branch (Divine) (3k)
Stilletos (4k)
Platinum Wand (Energy Storage) (4k)
Wooden Buckler (Tact) (4k)
Battlepick (4k)
Majestic Focus (Domination) (3k)
Brass Spear (4k)
Steel Broadsword (5k)

Zealous Oaken Recurve Bow of Defence 15^50 (5k)
Furious Ancient Daggers of Fortitude 15^ench (5k)
Bramble Flatbow (2k)
Tentacle Scythe (10k, rare skin)
Gemstone Axe (4k)
Vampiric Runic Axe of Fortitude +5e (7k)
Long Sword (4k)
Mammoth Blade (4k)

Thanks, Shayleigh. Either post here or PM me ingame as
Archress Shayleigh


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2010


i'll buy the Totem Axe (4k)

IGN:Silent Feets

btw contact me trough pm here if u cant contact me ingame


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006


b/o on runic axe!

Lady Dragonair

Lady Dragonair

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2008


Dies Infinito


Thank you for the trade
IGN: Lady Dragonair


Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2006

I will take Miella Focus
IGN: Zelda Angel

Darth Zach

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

I'll buy Tentacle Scythe 10k

IGN: Wayne Hammer

EDITED by cosyfiep for BUMPING AN OLD THREAD: This thread is old. Please check the seller/buyer's thread activity before making a post!
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