Obsidian Edge Req 9



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2007

Brethren Of The [HERB]



Up for bid is an Obsidian Edge with a requirement of 9 Swordsmanship. The sword is caster modded with 20/20 Sundering, +5e "I Have The Power" Inscription and +20% Enchanting mod.

I'm selling this because I want a Voltaic Spear (preferably Req 9) so if you have one I will trade for it + Ectos. Otherwise I only take ectos in trade.

Bidding with Ectos
S/B: 80e
C/O: n/a
B/O: 100e

Trading with Voltaic Spear
S/B: 25e + Req 9 Voltaic Spear
40e + Req 10 Voltaic Spear
53e + Req 11 Voltaic Spear
C/O: 25e + Req 9 Voltaic Spear >>Essence Snow<<
B/O: 40e + Req 9 Voltaic Spear
55e + Req 10 Voltaic Spear
68e + Req 11 Voltaic Spear

If you have other reqs then post bid below and I'll consider it.

I reserve the right to close at any time if I sell it ingame. So snag it if you want it I want that spear!

► IGN "Lehryn Fyre" or "Blood And Fyre"◄

I'll leave this auction open for 12 days. After that I'll close to the highest bidder.

Good luck and thanks for looking.

Hellbound Adept

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2010

The Underworld

Long Live [UWSC]


80e on the Obby Edge ^^

Essence Snow

Essence Snow

Unbridled Enthusiasm!

Join Date: Nov 2009



Q9 VS (modded+dyed to your liking) +25e

Bid self-retracts in 2 days
