Maz's Xunlia Shoppe


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2010

Anceint poket heroes


I am selling various weapons/mods, and questions feel free to pm me.

IGN Jazarak Maz

prices are negotiable unless other wise stated.

I accept payments in gold, ectos, zkeys, and select rare crafting materials
1 ecto = 7k or more, 1 zkey = 5k or more

Axes and Axe upgrades:
Barbed Axe Haft: lengthens Bleed by 33% -- 400g or b/o
Cruel Axe Haft: lengthens Deep Wound by 33% -- 400g or b/o
Axe Grip of Axe Mastery axe master +1 (20%), 600g
Cruel Cleaver of Shelter, q10, dmg +20% (while hexed), lengthens deep wound 33%, armor +7 (vs physical dmg), 8k or b/o
Fiery Summit Axe of Defense, Fire dmg 6-28 q9, armor +5, Inscrip dont think twice" halves casting time (8%) -- 3k

Swords and Sword upgrades
Ebon Oni Blade of Warding, earth dmg 15-22, q11, dmg +15% (health > 50%) armor +7 vs ele dmg -- 15k or b/o

Hammers and Hammer upgrades:
Cruel Hammer Haft: lengthen Deep Wound by 33% -- 400g or b/o
Furious Hammer Haft, double adrenaline gain (10%) 500g
Furious Twin Hammer of Deathbane dmg 19-35, q12, Double adrenaline gain (10%), Inscript: "to the pain" dmg +15 armor -10 (while attacking), dmg +19% (vs undead) -- 8k or b/o
Furious Summit Hammer of Shelter, q10, double adrenaline gain, (10%), armor +7 (vs phys), inscript "vengence is mine" dmg +20% (health below 50%) -- 10k or b/o

Daggers and Dagger upgrades
Crippling Dagger Tang: lengthens Crippled by 33% -- 400g or b/o

Staffs and staff upgrades:
Defensive Staff head: Armor +5 -- 400g or b/o
Hale Channeling Staff of Shelter, halves skill recharge (20%), energy +10, q10, Halves casting time of channeling (20%), Health +27, armor +7 (vs. physical dmg) -- 10k or b/o

Bows and Bow Strings
Icy Bow String: Cold dmg -- 400g or b/o
Barbed Bow String (3 units): lengthens bleed by 33% -- 400g ea
Poisonous Bowstring (2 units): lengthens poison duration by 33% -- 400g ea
Sundering Shortbow of Fortitude, q9, Armor penetration +20 (17%), health +25, Inscript "Too much info" dmg +14% vs hexed foes 3k
Ebon Feathered Longbow of Fortitude, Earth dmg, q9, dmg 15^50, health +30, 12k
Barbed Wooden Longbow of Enchantong, q10, lengthens bleed +33%, enchants last 15% longer, inscript "stregth and honor, 14^50, 2k

Scythes and Scythe upgrades
None at the moment, check back soon

Wands and Wand upgrades
fire wand: 11-22 dmg, q9, inscript aptitude not attitude halve casting of fire spell chance 17% -- 2k
fire wand: 11-22 dmg, q9, inscript guided by fate dmg +13% while enchanted -- 2k

Shields and Shield upgrades
Skeleton Shield, Armor + 16, req 9, Recieved physical dmg -5 (20%) -- 10k or b/o
Plated Shield of Endurance armor 16, q10, Health +38 (in stance), inscript: "Not in the face!" armor +8 vs blunt -- 2k

Off Hands and off hand upgrades
None at the moment check back soon


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2010

Anceint poket heroes




Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2010

Anceint poket heroes




Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2010

Anceint poket heroes



Our Blood

Our Blood

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2009



found ingame sorry