Cheap greens



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2008

Australia, what you want my home address?



*Gave away or deleted all the leftover junk* Time to close.

Still hanging on to those two greens you wanted Fishmonkey, waiting to catch you in game...

Everything must go, starting price on everything is one lock pick!

Really need to clear some storage space, so all these junk greens must go, bids in lock picks only!

Anything not sold by the end of next weekend is being given away for free... so I guess you can make a "Free" bid on any item (only one free bid per person) and if it doesn't sell, the first person to have placed a "Free" bid gets it for... free.

(Hope the mods don't mind).

Kunvie's Air Staff (Air) BO: 1 lp
Prismatic Staff (Energy Storage) BO: 2 lp SOLD for 'Free' Monk Of Dwaina
Antiquated Staff (Water) BO: 1lp
Antiquated Rod (Water) BO: 1lp

Fendi's Rod (Death) BO: 2 lp SOLD for 'Free' The Chemist
Zoldark's Focus (Soul Reaping) BO: 2 lp SOLD for 'Free' The Chemist
Eye of Argon (Command shield) BO: 1 lp
Eye of Argon (Command shield) BO: 1 lp
The Bloodspear (Spear) BO: 1 lp

Saushali's Recurve Bow BO: 2 lp SOLD for 'Free' BobTheTank
Custo's Hornbow BO: 1 lp SOLD for 'Free' BobTheTank

The Ugly Stick (Hammer) BO: 2 lp SOLD to Andemius
Eldritch Sword BO: 1 lp
The Hammer of Justice BO: 5 lp SOLD for 1 lp Fishmonkey awaiting delivery
Murakai's Reaver (Axe) BO: 1 lp

Oola's Focus (Restoration) BO: 4 lp SOLD for 1 lp jimbo32

Suli's Scythe BO: 1 lp

The Magekiller (Domination) BO: 1 lp
The Trickster (Domination) BO: 1 lp
Gorrel's Cane (Illusion) BO: 1 lp

Eldritch Staff (Divine) BO: 2 lp C/O: SOLD to Andemius
Eldritch Staff (Divine) BO: 2 lp SOLD cosyfiep
The Wingshielder (Healing) BO: 3 lp SOLD for 1 lp jimbo32
The Wingshielder (Healing) BO: 3 lp SOLD for 1 lp jimbo32
Kepkhet's Refuge (Divine/Prot) BO: 1 lp SOLD for 'Free' to Rajaka
The Maneater (Divine) BO: 4 lp SOLD in game.

Totem Axe BO: 4 lp SOLD for 1 lp Fishmonkey awaiting delivery
Totem Axe BO: 4 lp
Forgotten Fan (Illusion) BO: 2 lp SOLD to Andemius
Forgotten Fan (Illusion) BO: 1 lp

Good luck

IGN: Nerel As



Site Contributor

Join Date: Aug 2008


Gentlemens Club [GC]


Oola's Focus
The Wingshielder x2
One pick on each of these

IGN: Adrasteia Thalion



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2008

Australia, what you want my home address?



Bump... looks like I'll have a lot of junk to delete come Monday...


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2010

The Hammer of Justice
Eldritch Staff (Divine)
Totem Axe

s/b 1 lockpick each

IGN Kitten Punch

The Chemist

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2010


Fendi's Rod and Zoldark Focus - Bid "Free"

ign The Chemist Vv



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


I will bid 2 lp on one of the Eldritch Staves (Divine)

ign via pm ONLY

edit: quick trade thanks so much!!!



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2008

Australia, what you want my home address?



Bump for great justice!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2007

I cast a 'free' bid on Saushali's Recurve Bow.

IGN: Van Aurelius

Monk Of Dwaina

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2008


Prismatic Staff 2K

IGN Monk Of Dwaina


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2008

Vanguard's Last Stand [Hero]


b/o on one of the Eldrich Staffs, The Ugly Stck, and one of the Forgotten Fans.

IGN: Jonnie Chang



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2008

Australia, what you want my home address?



One last bump, if you want anything at all, just place a 'free' bid and contact me in game asap before it gets deleted or given away in Shing Jea


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2010

I would like to free bid on the Kepkhet's Refuge if still available

IGN: Rajaka Vinayak