Hello everyone! I have got some items I'd like to get rid of and get some money in return. If you disagree about the price, throw me with a tennis ball and shout a bit and we'll try to arrange a deal.
The high prices are buyout prices.
The minipet is an undedicated Celestial Tiger which I would like to sell for 49k if possible.
The green swords are:
Forgotten Sword -- 4-7k
Eldritch Sword -- 7-10k
Both Sundering, 15^50 and of Fortitude. Max, q9.
Weapon mods:
Vampiric Sword Hilt (3/-1) -- 1k each, I have 2 of them
Zealous Bow String (1/-1) -- 1k
Bow Grip of Fortitude (+30) -- 2k
Hero armor:
Deldrimor Armor Remnant -- 12k
3 Stacks of Cloth - hum, 3k each?
Stack of Wood Planks - hum, 3k?
Stack of Bones - hum, 5k?
Stack of Feathers 9k
Leave your IGN in your reply, please.
As was said, let me know if something is wrong with the price for you.
Thanks for helping me clear my bank.
Greens, Mods, Materials, Minipet
Updating the items on sale: Axe mods sold out, Material list changing a little.
As this is an active forum and my thread was quickly buried under many others in the same situation with me, I will give this a bump.
As this is an active forum and my thread was quickly buried under many others in the same situation with me, I will give this a bump.