Sword +30, 3k
Sword +30, 3k
Shield +30, 3k SOLD
Shield +30, 3k
Focus +30, 3k
Focus +30, 3k
Sword 20%, 3k
Axe 20%, 1k
Dagger +30, 1k
20/20 Bowstring, 1k
Halves Casting Time 20%, focus, 3k
"Strength and Honor", 1k SOLD
"I have the power!", 2k
"I have the power!", 2k
"I have the power!", 2k
"I have the power!", 2k
Armor + 10 vs Lightning, 1k
Armor + 10 vs Fire, 1k
Halves Casting Time 20%, Spell casting weapons, 2k
Luck of the Draw, -5 20%, 4k
IGN: Serial Experiments
Whoever messages me first when I log on will be the person I deal to first. You're welcome to post that you want it here, and I will attempt to contact you when I log on- but first come, first serve
CHEAP! Upgrades and Inscriptions
Ill take the 2 x + 30 shield mods
IGN Kingg Ghost
IGN Kingg Ghost
Dagger +30, 1k
Luck of the Draw, -5 20%, 4k
IGN -Arachnia Pain
Luck of the Draw, -5 20%, 4k
IGN -Arachnia Pain
Shield +30, 3k please
Fatally Flaw
Armor + 10 vs Lightning, 1k
Armor + 10 vs Fire, 1k
Axe 20%, 1k
ign--fatally flaw
Armor + 10 vs Fire, 1k
Axe 20%, 1k
ign--fatally flaw
belladonna shylock
Halves Casting Time 20%, Spell casting weapons, 2k
Halves Casting Time 20%, focus, 3k
Halves Casting Time 20%, focus, 3k