Silencing mod



Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2006

Wandering alone...

Last Of The Dark Hunters [MINE]


I wish to make a bow with the silencing bowstring upgrade. What kind of bow(longbow, hornbow, etc.) would benefit me the most if my elite for the build is Broad head arrow?

Lisa of Tyria

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2007

Ravenz of Darkstone


I've always used a Recurve Bow for Broadhead Arrow. Recurve Bows have a low arc and fast flight time. Broadhead Arrow skill has a high arc which is added to the bows natural arc. You can go to GWWiki and type in Bow in the search box and it will bring up the stats of all the bows. Not sure if I explained it correctly but hopefully I helped.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2009


I just tested BHA's arc by firing BHA at a target in the Isle of the Nameless with a flatbow, watching the arrow, and marking its peak with those dragable icons from the menu. Then, I fired another BHA with a flatbow to make sure my mark was accurate. Then, I switched to a recurve bow and fired a BHA from the same position.

There was no change in the arc. So, since BHA's arc is unaffected by bow type, your preferred bow will depend on the other skills on your bar.

Reverend Dr

Reverend Dr

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

Super Fans Of Gaile [ban]


Because the arc is so high you really want to stand adjacent to your target. Your biggest issue is not range or arc but fire speed, as such either flatbow or shortbow would be the best option considering nothing more than broad head.

Then again I would suggest something other than broad head as I find that skill lackluster compared to good use of savage and d-shot.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2008



You can also weapon swap to some random silencing bow when firing BHA, then swap back to your main set when using the other skills.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2008

FWIW, fairly good alternative interrupt daze build, to BHA:


wilderness=2+1, beast=6+1, marks=11+1, expertise=12+1+1
[marksman's wager][distracting shot][savage shot][disrupting shot][concussion shot][serpent's quickness][edge of extinction][epidemic]

No more crazy sky-high daze arc, that is not affected by bow type.

Works quite well on hero also (call/lock target) - can swap out [serpent's quickness][edge of extinction] for expertise blocking/blinding skills (or [dual shot], [resurrection signet], or wilderness [troll unguent]), and put extra point into marks. Might even be worth using long bow (instead of recurve) on hero, to keep him further back from aggro. I run this one on ranger hero a lot - he almost *ALWAYS* has full energy, often with [concussion shot] on recharge...

Desert Rose

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2007

For a BHA build you want a Silencing Flatbow.
As others already have mentioned the flight time of BHA is unaffected by the used bow type, so the only factors that still count are range and refire rate. Flatbows have the best range (equal with Long Bows) and the best refire rate (equal with Short Bows), making Flatbows the ideal bow for BHA. Some may argue that Flatbow is a bad choice because BHA will often miss, but you can still simply walk towards your target and have the same flight time (and hit chance) as any other bow.

David Wooding

David Wooding

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006


If I use interrupting builds I usually go with a Shortbow, simply because the range is shorter so there's less chance of dodging, though the flight time of a recurve bow is faster, that requires you to still be at shortbow range, so find it easier to just use a shortbow.