Full UW



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006

Spain, UTC/GMT+1/+2

I need to do full UW for HoM statues and halloween quest. I have to do it with mesmer, monk, assassin, dervish, elementalist and ranger. I don't mind if it's a run or a group, I can play anything if its needed. Post here please.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006

Spain, UTC/GMT+1/+2

WTB Group/Runners for UW. Pm prices. Thanks.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006

Spain, UTC/GMT+1/+2

+100 views, 0 answers
One person pm asking how much I was willing to pay... I said about 50k, no answer at all.
Yesterday I saw in one post, a guy asking 140k for a run in HM saying himself that is expensive.
Well, I'm only asking for a group/run in NM and his price.

Beat just go

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2007

Ign: Kleo Besteck


140k normal if he does with group, the mode doesnt matter, 50 k is not much for uw,anyways gl to find one

btw. im not the guy who offered him



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006

Spain, UTC/GMT+1/+2

+170 views. Maybe I'm wrong.
If the mode doesn't matter it's better in HM: more and better drops.
If 50k is too low (I don't know how much it usually cost. I only saw missions runs), why don't you leave your prices?
If 140k is the usual prices, please, let me know. Anyways, I think there is not too much people doing this. Maybe I have to try to find another ways to complete it.

Beat just go

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2007

Ign: Kleo Besteck


1) if a runner offers a high end area, he doesnt care about the drop,believe me...
2) cause there are no/few runners ?
3) ~100k

EDITED by Cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID Post a bid or do not post Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email Any post that does not contain a legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post The posting of a bid to make your conversation within a thread “legitimate” will not be tolerated and may at the moderator's discretion result in a ban There is no reason to post more than once in a thread unless you have been out-bid. If you need to retract or decide to change your bid edit your existing post. In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006

Spain, UTC/GMT+1/+2

Few runners and about 100k HM... Not too bad, but I'm still searching...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006

Spain, UTC/GMT+1/+2

I'm still searching.