PvE: LF Sc Guild

I Might Avenge U

I Might Avenge U

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005



Hello, I'm currently interested in joining a SC guild that clears Frostmaw's | Rragar's | Kath | SoO | UW | DoA | FoW | etc
currently have a rit, ranger. that are 20 and within a reasonable distance of most all HM dungeons.

I am incredibly experienced at DoA as a ritualist, but I want to branch out.

I have a lvl 20 sin that I haven't played in years, but it can be kitted and ran to anywhere within a day or two.

Also have a lvl 14 Warrior that can be leveled to 20 and ready to go in 2 - 3 days.

American, Have a mic, have vent. Done most all dungeons with heroes. Not very experienced with many SCing teams, but very interested in learning.

Can likely level any required toons in a week without any titles.

Anywho, IGN: Vengence is Costly.