Hi there, wondering what these 2 baddies are worth
q8 celestial longbow
+5e inherent
q9 naga shortbow
15^50 inherent
Thanks much
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Firefighter Fred
Firefighter Fred
anyone have a guess?
Firefighter Fred
bumpity bump bump
20-25e celestial (well - that's what i'd pay for one, anyway)
Not sure about the naga.
Not sure about the naga.
Firefighter Fred
thanks for the input!
anyone else?
anyone else?
Firefighter Fred
any thoughts on the naga?
any thoughts on the naga?
I'll second the last reply on the celestial bow, and the naga shortbow's not really worth anything.
You might be able to sell it for like 3-5k if you stand around long enough shouting, but its rather unlikely and really not worth your time.
You might be able to sell it for like 3-5k if you stand around long enough shouting, but its rather unlikely and really not worth your time.