Need Legendary VQ Title/Max Wisdom!

Eazy Duz It

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2008

Kamadan District 1

No Negotiating With Terrorists [AK47]


Alright so heres what Im looking for

Tyrian VQ Title - 0 Completed
Canthan VQ Title - 1 Completed
Elona VQ Title - 0 Completed

Basically Im looking for someone to VQ every area for me. If youre interested leave your price, and Ill check in. Im looking for someone willing to give a discount price for such a hefty load, however this doesnt mean I am not willing to pay well. I just dont expect to pay the maximum price. Also I plan on afking. And I am not willing to pay for cons.

Ive found my man for the job, thankyou for all the offers though. I will be in contact with you should things change


Im looking for people with bulk gold unids who would be interested in letting me ID them and then returning the golds ID'd for the reasonable price of 7ID's=2k. (8500 Left)

If youre interested in helping with either please leave your price for VQing or your amount for Wisdom title below and Ill be in contact with you as soon as possible.

The Josip

The Josip

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2009


The price is cheap for the areas listed.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2006




Entire Tyria and majority of Cantha and Elona available. Since you got 0 done and I am going to finish my vqing titles one way or other, PM me up. Prices are cheaper than most runners since I will only do areas that we both need. I will not run areas that I don't need, so please find other runners for those areas.

8-man: 75g/foe
6-man: 100g/foe
4-man: Depends on area

IGN: Serene Maelstorm

Wik areas are NOT included in that price list.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

I am in the process of vanquishing areas myself. I have roughly 100 areas that need to be vanquished, all scattered about the 3 campaigns. Regardless of it's size, it'll be 62g/foe. I don't care if you're afk, in fact, I prefer if you were.

I can also vanquish the EotN areas which will add an aditional 15 areas.

I do request one thing from if you wish to take up this service:
-You will allow me to vanquish within my own hours, which most likely will vary from day to day.

I can't promise you I will vanquish 10+ hours every day, and I would imagine I would get burned out and may play only 2 on some. Know however that if you accept this service I will bear it's responsibility and attempt to finish your vanquish within a reasonable time limit.

Send me a private message if you're interested.