need urgoz/doa/uw/2nd kurz challenge mission

chilly willy

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2010


i have a monk and a warrior the monk has a few heros and the warrior has everything unlocked. i know urgoz can be done with less than 8 so if needed i can be a bonder or something (i suck at healing in pve) i don't have a ton of money so i would like to mostly appeal to some of your good graces i figure the end chest for all of the things i need gives a pretty good reward anyway whoever runs me can also have all the drops i get as payment as well i just want all of the above completed. now UW i am very unfamiliar with i have gotten as far as the 4th quest before and thats it just a heads up. as far as doa is concerned i did the first part of the 4 for the quest and i almost did the 2nd part so i am pretty familiar with doa. and i also need to get there with the monk the warrior is good in that regard. and as far as the challenge mission goes if u charge an arm and a leg for that you should be shot thats about 10 minutes of your time

pm me on the forums here i don't wanna expose my ign to the masses.

chilly willy

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2010



come on seriously the challenge mission should atleast be doable.

chilly willy

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2010



i don't need urgoz anymore. just doa and the challenge mission

edit-and UW(as for UW i might have a splinter barrage ranger able to do that soon as well)

chilly willy

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2010


bumparoo booga booga