PC on Hornbow with unknown stats ( real rare )


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2010




I have found this Hornbow. I play Guild Wars for a long time now.
But i have never seen stats like this before.
It says that it has -1 health regen. which indicates that it is a Vamp bow.
I have checked it with a superior salvage kit. But it does not have a vampiric
mod inside. I checked it outside a town. But it is definately vampiric.
Anyone ever seen this before ?

Red Fireball

Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2010



yes seen that before, even though this is the only (well except from uncond) DMG-mod, that can´t be found as an inscription and it´s pretty rare. this mod is commonly used in PvP to lose life fast enough to die before the rez-time will come. but it´s usually combined with a -50HP offhand which means the mod is not very useful on a bow.
Nevertheless: yours is a very nice skin and max q9. So there will prolly be some collector out there who might pay about 50k for that bow. If he is even looking for that bow he might pay more as well. If you won´t find a collector: use it for one of your heros (+15% permanently is pretty useful^^)

William C Wallace

William C Wallace

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2010

Don't Fear The Creeper [BuD]


Yeah, put a vampiric mod on it and advertise it as a "Dual Vamp Mursaat Hornbow". I'd imagine it'd fetch a pretty penny simply because it is a perfect, rare modded mursaat hornbow. I would try to get a good bit more than 50k for it.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2008

"???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]" | Retired in "Teh Academy [PhD]"


100k possible imo, since its a rare/goodlookin' skin too

Mustache Mayhem

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



had one of those drop recently too.. hmm might be worth selling



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2006

Guernsey Milking Coalition[MiLk]


They sell well for sure. I only bought Tyrian Golds while doing the Wisdom title because of skins and mods like this. You get some wacky combos you just can't find anywhere else.

Captain Krompdown

Captain Krompdown

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

The furious fist of Kromp is upon you.

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Originally Posted by Red Fireball View Post
...this is the only (well except from uncond) DMG-mod, that can´t be found as an inscription
There's also 15/-1 energy regen that can't be found as an inscription. Bows like that are very rare and even more pro.

I agree that the bow in question here is EASILY worth more than 50k. No way I'd sell for less than 100k and I'd probably wait for more than that.