Originally Posted by azur3
Could you guys give a clue, HOW do you discern the 24312-ecto-value-skins from the regular ones? Or maybe the req is more important? I saw some things in this thread I used to have and just merched. Is there maybe somewhere a list of valuable skins or something?
Chances are unless you have a bunch of olschool stuff sitting i your storage from years ago, your not going to get anything of worth from normal pve play. Q8's are almost always worth 40k+++, but theres a very small chance you will ever get one these as a drop.
What you should be looking out for is any shield with +10vs. Demon is your best chance at getting some ectos, but a shield with +10 and another mod like +30 or -2 can be worth a good amount as well.
Then theres just the rare skins like echo and iridescent diamond,etc, which can be worth a good amount even if high req.
If its not a rare skin, or it has nonmax/crappy mods you should probably go ahead and merch. Save those q9 15^50's and any shield with dual mods. And save single mod'd shields that are rare skins. Then you can just ask for a price check on those or whatever.