HoM horror !!
Commander Kanen
Ok i just had a thought.
According to wiki to fill the HoM you need to fill the spaces so. mini/pets armor weapons heroes/pets and 5 titles.
In gw 2 will you get anything for GWAMM or just a full HoM which you do not need 30 titles for ??
According to wiki to fill the HoM you need to fill the spaces so. mini/pets armor weapons heroes/pets and 5 titles.
In gw 2 will you get anything for GWAMM or just a full HoM which you do not need 30 titles for ??
Gill Halendt
No one knows yet.
To be on the safe side, you will be better off with GWAMM since filling the HOM is really cheap these days.
i remember reading something that the statues you get in your hall and weapon stands etc. are what confer bonuses on your gw2 characters. it does acknowledge your KoaBD title track when you walk in so that may have something to do with it. With playable demos of GW2 coming up in august and september at gamescom and PAX it sure would be nice to know what to start working on. I am a GWAMM and would just like to know for personal reasons.
The Drunkard
Technically 20 titles with a full HoM make the statue appear just like GWaMM. So you should at least strive for that.
Spike Stritter
I quit guild wars for a couple months and just came back about a month ago to max out my HoM in prep for GW2.
Currently im at: 28 titles(30 within the month), all destroyer weapons, all tormented weapons, all armors, all heroes(just need pheonix), and a random assortment of 1,2,3 year minipets.
And yes I know you care.
Currently im at: 28 titles(30 within the month), all destroyer weapons, all tormented weapons, all armors, all heroes(just need pheonix), and a random assortment of 1,2,3 year minipets.
And yes I know you care.
As far as I know, the benefits in GW2 from the HoM are account wide.
IE even though each character has their own HoM, you don't need to fill any character's HoM to get full hall benefits, just as long as between all of your characters you have 20 different minis, 5 different elite sets, and 11 different tormented/destroyer weapons, and the heroes, statues, etc.
Would be kinda lame to make it so that you had to have 5 sets of armor and 11 high price weapons on 1 character, most of the weapons would have to be wasted on heroes, many on heroes that never get used like assassin and warrior heroes.
IE even though each character has their own HoM, you don't need to fill any character's HoM to get full hall benefits, just as long as between all of your characters you have 20 different minis, 5 different elite sets, and 11 different tormented/destroyer weapons, and the heroes, statues, etc.
Would be kinda lame to make it so that you had to have 5 sets of armor and 11 high price weapons on 1 character, most of the weapons would have to be wasted on heroes, many on heroes that never get used like assassin and warrior heroes.
Owik Gall
From what I observed just now, it seems that the rewards just depends on how much you did in the hall and there's a possibility that maxing out as GWAMM will yield the most bling. I mean, you gotta get SOMETHING out of that achievement. Maybe Anet would like to make the GWAMM players feel real accomplished for getting those titles and not feel like it's a time waster.
People playing this game can think and wonder if it's ridiculous if GWAMM players got equal stuff as players who only filled up HoM by standards. To me, it would make sense for GWAMM to have better rewards than any other for their achievements. I meant bling wise, by the way.
People playing this game can think and wonder if it's ridiculous if GWAMM players got equal stuff as players who only filled up HoM by standards. To me, it would make sense for GWAMM to have better rewards than any other for their achievements. I meant bling wise, by the way.
Shayne Hawke
First, you're doing it wrong. Second, you're posting in the wrong forum, correct location being here. Third, we've been in the dark about the details of what the HoM is supposed to do for us for two years now, so you can expect this kind of question to have already been asked. Use search.
From what I observed just now, it seems that the rewards just depends on how much you did in the hall and there's a possibility that maxing out as GWAMM will yield the most bling. I mean, you gotta get SOMETHING out of that achievement. Maybe Anet would like to make the GWAMM players feel real accomplished for getting those titles and not feel like it's a time waster.
People playing this game can think and wonder if it's ridiculous if GWAMM players got equal stuff as players who only filled up HoM by standards. To me, it would make sense for GWAMM to have better rewards than any other for their achievements. I meant bling wise, by the way.
dancing gnome
From what I observed just now, it seems that the rewards just depends on how much you did in the hall and there's a possibility that maxing out as GWAMM will yield the most bling. I mean, you gotta get SOMETHING out of that achievement. Maybe Anet would like to make the GWAMM players feel real accomplished for getting those titles and not feel like it's a time waster.
People playing this game can think and wonder if it's ridiculous if GWAMM players got equal stuff as players who only filled up HoM by standards. To me, it would make sense for GWAMM to have better rewards than any other for their achievements. I meant bling wise, by the way. |
Clearly such a person was massively addicted to GW1 and are incapable of deciding what they enjoy doing so ArenaNet already has them wrapped around their little finger.
I'm curios if having more than 1 character with gwamm will mean anything, or would it be a complete waste of time. If you don't make your HoM account wide, will that mean anything if you have duplicate accomplishment on other characters (minis/weapons/armors/titles). Have we had any word on this.
I'm hoping both will net me a reward in Gw2 
30 titles + full HoM
30 titles + full HoM
More importantly, what are those with prophesies collector's edition going to get for their divine aura? :P
From what I observed just now, it seems that the rewards just depends on how much you did in the hall and there's a possibility that maxing out as GWAMM will yield the most bling. I mean, you gotta get SOMETHING out of that achievement. Maybe Anet would like to make the GWAMM players feel real accomplished for getting those titles and not feel like it's a time waster.
People playing this game can think and wonder if it's ridiculous if GWAMM players got equal stuff as players who only filled up HoM by standards. To me, it would make sense for GWAMM to have better rewards than any other for their achievements. I meant bling wise, by the way. |
Also remember whatever they offer will probably not be something too great, I already predict a lot of people will whine and bitch about how they spent 5,000 hours grinding and all they get is something "useless".
Owik Gall
Well just saying that GWAMM players should get rewarded in some way for their achievement at least. Oh, and I was researching the net through GW and GW2 wikis and anywhere I could gather information.
Jk Arrow
Do we even know what "full" means? Does it mean 20 minis or does it mean one of each? Does it mean 5 armors or all 20 (I think) sets?
Lots of things around the HoM that we don't know yet...just have to wait it out.
Lots of things around the HoM that we don't know yet...just have to wait it out.
Do we even know what "full" means? Does it mean 20 minis or does it mean one of each? Does it mean 5 armors or all 20 (I think) sets?
Lots of things around the HoM that we don't know yet...just have to wait it out. |
-5 Heroes/Pets
-5 Titles/Achievements
-5 Prestige Armors
-11 Destroyer/Tormented weapons
That is a full HoM. Just have those slots full and you have a full HoM.
OP's question seems more GW2 related and should probably be asked on the GW2 forums. But basically, as of now, no one knows any idea of what we get from having a full HoM yet in GW2. The only thing we know is that we get our character names reserved through the HoM.
Owik Gall
Was talking about bling wise, not advantage wise. Like getting a cooler, or rarer mini pet or something like that.
Not like GWAMM is a difficult or skillful thing to achieve.. its just grind, monotony, spending money and wasting time droning on and on
people should be rewarded for grinding in a game were skill > grind?
Just seems a little ironic to me is all..
*some of us dont do titles on principle cos we still adhere to the old school ways of gw :P

people should be rewarded for grinding in a game were skill > grind?
Just seems a little ironic to me is all..
*some of us dont do titles on principle cos we still adhere to the old school ways of gw :P
own age myname
Not like GWAMM is a difficult or skillful thing to achieve.. its just grind, monotony, spending money and wasting time droning on and on
![]() people should be rewarded for grinding in a game were skill > grind? Just seems a little ironic to me is all.. *some of us dont do titles on principle cos we still adhere to the old school ways of gw :P |
I don't have even R1 KoaBD title after playing for 5 years. I only got 2 titles maxed. I agree, I personally think GWAMM shouldn't be given a special reward, I say even R1 should give the same reward as GWAMM. But, of course people will cry that they wasted time getting titles...

A little title for gw2 with a nod to their 'ancestor' been a "gwamm" should be enough really eh? :P giving them shiny's and flashy junk for their ancestors been a little ocd from running around the edge of every street and field they ever went into just doesn't seem right :P
First reply is correct; rewards for HoM are unknown.
Rather than use my time to get GWAMM, I'm quite comfortable allowing others to do so. Since the only reward is pixels and shinies, I can easily view pixels and shinies on others instead of devoting the time to obtain them on my own. That, and the activities required do not interest me. YMMV
Rather than use my time to get GWAMM, I'm quite comfortable allowing others to do so. Since the only reward is pixels and shinies, I can easily view pixels and shinies on others instead of devoting the time to obtain them on my own. That, and the activities required do not interest me. YMMV
dancing gnome
More importantly, what are those with prophesies collector's edition going to get for their divine aura? :P
On principle i have ZERO max titles :P since beta..
![]() A little title for gw2 with a nod to their 'ancestor' been a "gwamm" should be enough really eh? :P giving them shiny's and flashy junk for their ancestors been a little ocd from running around the edge of every street and field they ever went into just doesn't seem right :P |
Crystal Of Winter
Rather than use my time to get GWAMM, I'm quite comfortable allowing others to do so. Since the only reward is pixels and shinies, I can easily view pixels and shinies on others instead of devoting the time to obtain them on my own. That, and the activities required do not interest me. YMMV
I'm currently grinding myself to get GWAMM so it reveals the full statue in the HoM, which I'm sure will give something to show off in GW2.
On principle i have ZERO max titles :P since beta..
![]() A little title for gw2 with a nod to their 'ancestor' been a "gwamm" should be enough really eh? :P giving them shiny's and flashy junk for their ancestors been a little ocd from running around the edge of every street and field they ever went into just doesn't seem right :P |
I KNOW! We can let GWAMM have a pet can o spam in gw2 that follows them bouncing around shouting WTB WTB WTB!
more like standing around in spamadan shouting "wtb party/alcohol/whatever pts, 100g each, open trade window" <insert spam clicking on items they just bought>.
I KNOW! We can let GWAMM have a pet can o spam in gw2 that follows them bouncing around shouting WTB WTB WTB! |
own age myname
They also said that people who walk out of the HOM will look Badass...Of course that was a few years ago and they could have changed it. Most likely people who have put time into the HOM will get something different then those who randomly put crap into it. But since we know that they will be customized to the account and give no advantage to those players, it going to most likely be things that are cosmetic, such as achievement, armor, mini pets, you know something that is total useless basically but looks good. It could be a lot of things really....Also check out http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hom#cite_note-2 and it does list some sources too, but they are old and could have changed.
Skyy High
Anyone thinking that filling your minipet monument with uber-rare minis is going to get you a better reward than someone who fills it with whites is probably going to be sorely disappointed, I'll just say that...
own age myname
Ya, all my minis are just whites lol. I think the only color I have is a gold celestial tiger.
Ninja Ninja
You don't "need" to max HoM.
I haven't. Don't plan on it. Doubt whatever I'll miss out on in GW2 will be important enough for me to care.
I haven't. Don't plan on it. Doubt whatever I'll miss out on in GW2 will be important enough for me to care.
Horace Slughorn
Ya im not sure exactly what a "full" HoM means. For example the miniature monument... would the benefits it confer be limited to the 20 minis you have on display at the time you create your Gw2 character, or are further advantages possible if you have every mini ever released?
Either way, I don't really care. I'm not forward-looking to GW2. I was quite happy with the introduction of the HoM as a record of my accomplishments in GW1, regardless of the effects it may have on a game that may never be released or that I may not buy
Either way, I don't really care. I'm not forward-looking to GW2. I was quite happy with the introduction of the HoM as a record of my accomplishments in GW1, regardless of the effects it may have on a game that may never be released or that I may not buy

own age myname
I know it would anger some people but I think something similar to WoW's Heirloom items is what HoM rewards will be. GWAMM used to seem hard to do but most titles only require that you play the game so heirloomesqe items wouldn't be out of place.
Paradise Lost
Whether you have GWAMM or just a full HoM. The most realistic thing you can expect is some pre-order type weapon(s) which is customized to your account as a reward in GW2.
Thats what i think anyway, best to not wind yourself up too much hey?
Thats what i think anyway, best to not wind yourself up too much hey?