Just came back from a 4 year break, got 8 new pets from a bday gift.
white rabbit
Hyda (x2)
Thorn wolf
EDITED by cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: Changed to the appropriate prefix. The High End prefix is for threads where a significant majority of the items have values of 100k or more. The Low End prefix is for threads where a significant majority of the items have values of less than 100k. The Mixed prefix is for threads where there is a fairly even split between High End and Low End items.
Please review the Ventari's Corner Guidelines
You may remove this message once you have read and understood it.
Selling pets.
Love Tap
retract. Bought in game.
Coffee Man
15k White Rabbit
IGN ---> Azeral Styx
IGN ---> Azeral Styx
18k for the white bunny
10k for the kveldulf
15k for the thorn wolf
IGN Jose El Barbaro
10k for the kveldulf
15k for the thorn wolf
IGN Jose El Barbaro
30K on white rabbit
IGN Doppia Maxelli
IGN Doppia Maxelli