Pc on a lot of Bo/Dragon Staves+Plat Staves/Wands Oldschool plz


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2006

WTB 20/20 Dragon Staves|prenerf Dragon Staves

Hi all

First of all , sry for the large number of items

It's part of my collection though and i might sale soon

I have a rough knowledge of most prices

(e.g. i know the q10 20/20 fire bo is very rare and thus expensive)

But would be thankful if the pro's could help me with all this (beautiful) stuff

Well , thanx in advance and here we go!




Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2008

"???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]" | Retired in "Teh Academy [PhD]"


a = 30e
b = 40-45e
c = 75e+
d = maybe few k for 20hct prot... but not much
e = 100k
f = 50-60k
g = 30k
h = 40k
i = id say ~250-300e
j = 30e
k = 25-30e
l = 60-70k
m = 60-70k
n = 50k maybe
o = 70k
p = 30k
q = 50k
r = 20e
s = 60-70k
t = 100k~
u + v = ~50k/ea


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2006

WTB 20/20 Dragon Staves|prenerf Dragon Staves

up for more opinions

thx for the great job system , i appreciate it