Insightful Holy Branch of Healing Prayers, req9
Half Recharge prot 19
Half Cast time 10
Energy +5
Healing +1
Insightful Divine Staff of Divine Favor req6
Half Skill recharge Divine Favor 19
Energy +5
Divine Favor +1 19
Haven't played in awhile, just wondering if these skins are worth anything. Thanks so much.
EDIT: Might as well ask on these too..
Vampiric Gothic Axe of Axe Mastery req9
Dmg 15% armor -10
Life Draining
Axe Mastery +1 20
Water Wand of Quickening req9
Half Skill recharge 10
Dance with death 14 in stance
PC on Holy Branch q9 and Divine Staff q6 :)
Seren Mai