Wintersday in July:
PAX Grawl Minipet (dedicated)
s/b 27e
Celestial Ox Minipet (unded)
s/b 50k g
50 Lunar Fortunes (year of the Ox)
s/b 800 g each (SOLD @ 900)
141 Wintersday Gifts (2009)
s/b 200 g each
Celestial Sword r12, Insc (15%>50)
s/b 2k (SOLD)
Celestial Staff r9, Insp, hct Divine Favor 20% (WTF), +27 health, +7 phys armor
b/o 1k
Celestial Longbow r10, Insc (19%<50), Crippling, Enchanting 20%
s/b 2k
Celestial Longbow r9, Non Insc, Shocking, Demonslaying +20%
s/b 5k
Dead Sword r9, Insc (15%vsHex), Zealous, +29 Health
s/b 2k
b/o 5k
Celestial Christmas (in July) Sale
50 Lunar Fortunes (year of the Ox)
s/b 800 g
ign:Empress Luindy Amor
s/b 800 g
ign:Empress Luindy Amor
Celestial Sword r12, Insc (15%>50)
s/b 2k
IGN: Apollo I V
s/b 2k
IGN: Apollo I V
900g each on the lunar fortunes. Do you have a BO please?
IGN Putrid Cystmonger.
IGN Putrid Cystmonger.
bring up my post
Bring up my post
Fatally Flaw
Celestial Staff r9, Insp, hct Divine Favor 20% (WTF), +27 health, +7 phys armor
b/o 1k
ign--fatally flaw
b/o 1k
ign--fatally flaw
Bring up my post. Added ded Grawl Mini.
Bring up my post
bring up my post