pc on couple of things

Pitter Pen

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2009



pc on:
q9 15\-10 while att posin 33% non inscrb celstial bow
q8 non inscrb max celstial bow 15\-5eng +30 20\20
murkais reaver(perfect green axe)
q9 suntouched scyth



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2010

United States

The Order of the Aesir [AESR] - Officer


The q9 Celestial Bow has an undesirable inherent mod, that should cut the value down dramatically to around 5-10k max in-game.
The Q8 Celestial Bow also has an undesirable mod, I estimate that would more than quarter the price you would get for a perfect mod.
Murakai's can still occasionally go for 5k in-game, but on Guru you're not likely to get more than 2k, 2-3k is most appropriate.
Suntouched Scythes are one of the more common skins, 3k at most unless you get very lucky, 1-2k more likely.

Pitter Pen

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2009



the q8 exept for the enrgy it has perfect mods
is it that important?
and how much can i sell ti then?