I'll start off by identifying what I believe is one of the leading causes of rage-quitting during an RA matchup:
Monks - "No monk, no glory!" is a common believe among many of the top competitors in RA, and though some believe they're not absolutely needed, a monk can in most cases mean the difference between 25 wins instead of just 5. Also, two monk teams usually end up in a stalemate, or a "lame" win. This can cause players to become disheartened or disinterested, and irritated, leading to prematurely leaving the match.
Suggestion - Set up an algorithm that allots one, and ONLY one, monk per team constructed. This means that every single team would have a perfectly fair chance at a balanced match. This in turn reduces two-monk stalemate/stalling matches and both teams would have an equal opportunity at winning the match by default (ultimately, it's all subject to the player's skillset and execution, though).
Your suggestions should follow the same format as the above. Keep it flame-free to avoid having this thread closed. Have at it!

Edit: Just realized this thread should probably go in the Sardelac Sanctum section. If a moderator would kindly move this thread there, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks.