PvE: Obey My Command [sudo] - PvE Guild

Latha Herklos

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2010

Eastern U.S.

The Leal Knights of Icarus [Fall]


Obey My Command [sudo]

Who are we?
We're a rebuilding PvE kurz guild, with cape and full GH.
The other current officer and I enjoy creative builds. It's a big part of what makes the game for us.
We're pretty much out to play the game well and have a good time doing it.

What do we do?
We're especially interested in ZQ, Dungeons, Elite Missions, and other HM -- but not exclusively. We're always looking to expand our gameplay. If, as the guild develops, there's an aspect of gameplay that's not being covered, we'd be happy to appoint a new officer to take care of it.

What are we Looking for?
We're looking for active, relaxed players who would rather play with a group they know and trust than with pugs or npcs. Players with experience in high-end areas are all the more welcome. We would also like to include some new players.

A Few Rules
1) Abusive treatment of other players is not acceptable, and may warrant expulsion. We value highly the respectful treatment of other players, whether they are guild members or not.
2) You may use the Guild chat to see if anyone is interested in an item you want to sell, but do not Spam. If nobody takes, try again in a half hour or so. Please use PM to conduct specific transactions.

If you'd like to join [sudo], please PM Avaran Terethen in-game, or Latha Herklos on guru.

EDIT: We now are part of a 9 member alliance that does both PvE and some PvP.