Ive got a bunch of random mini pets from different years. My prices are from the price check guide on this forum, im not looking to bargin, prices are set.
Year one = 1k each
Fungal Wallow
Whiptail Devourer
Necrid Horseman
Jungle Troll
Year two = 5k each
Wind Rider
Heket Warrior
Fire Imp
Mandragor Imp
Christmas elf = 10k
Year three = 10k each
Cave Spider
Year four=12k
I also have green Darkroots Daggers for 5k only, ecto is 6.5k each, i got around 10 i think, 4 sin tomes for 100g, NOT ELITE!!!
Thats what i got for sale, pm IGN Brady The Assassin and we can work out meeting up
Selling a bunch of Mini Pets and some random items!
Brady The Assassin
Brady The Assassin
Bump. Please message me in game