Make a new Skill Pack and retire flawed skills.
Sirius Bsns
After reviewing this thread http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/e...t10444901.html, I was inspired to create this new thread to suggest to the Live Team making room for new, fun, and interesting [elite] skills and scatter them throughout their appropriate campaigns/areas while retiring the old, flawed, or broken skills that just didn't cut it [similar to how they removed the TA and HB arenas]. This in turn would make them some more money, rekindle interests in campaigning and PvPing. I understand that there'd be some underlying issues like "Elite Skills Hunter Titles", but not to fret. Anet can allow those current title holders to retain their titles without needing to cap the newer ones, and can actually keep the same requirements as they are. In other words, the newest list would not be needed, and shouldn't be added to the GW Wiki Elite "Skill Hunter's" list. Which skills do you deem worthy of the "old/flawed/broken skills? Create your lists here. Also: Any other foreseen issues with this idea? Please feel free to unveil them here on this thread. Discuss!

Dawn Angelheart
I'm pretty sure they can't take skills out of the game.
Hence the split of Pvp/Pve
Look at Smiters Boon(Pvp) this is what they do when they want a skill removed from the game. They just make it madness to actually use it.
Hence the split of Pvp/Pve
Look at Smiters Boon(Pvp) this is what they do when they want a skill removed from the game. They just make it madness to actually use it.
I'm pretty sure they can't take skills out of the game.
Hence the split of Pvp/Pve Look at Smiters Boon(Pvp) this is what they do when they want a skill removed from the game. They just make it madness to actually use it. |
They can and have.
It would be better to just rework the old/flawed/broken skills.
Just a few thoughts on this subject.
There are of course skills that will be seldom if ever chosen because they are not as good as others, this is natural and will be found in any game.
You learn skills in a certain order and skills you use at first get replaced with better ones later on.
Some say that there are far to many skills in the game if so I certainly don't mind its just more choice for players.
I believe many skills where only intended for creature use, there are mobs in pve that are quite effective because of the skill combinations they use but I wouldn't ever bother with them.
Adding skills changing skills and splitting skills into pve and pvp versions have caused problems in the past, not sure what such a major overhaul would cause, they would probably still be balancing the game for the next few years.
So while I do like the idea I doubt its worth all the problems it would cause.
There are of course skills that will be seldom if ever chosen because they are not as good as others, this is natural and will be found in any game.
You learn skills in a certain order and skills you use at first get replaced with better ones later on.
Some say that there are far to many skills in the game if so I certainly don't mind its just more choice for players.
I believe many skills where only intended for creature use, there are mobs in pve that are quite effective because of the skill combinations they use but I wouldn't ever bother with them.
Adding skills changing skills and splitting skills into pve and pvp versions have caused problems in the past, not sure what such a major overhaul would cause, they would probably still be balancing the game for the next few years.
So while I do like the idea I doubt its worth all the problems it would cause.
I think what they need to do is simply identify the elites that are obviously underpowered and do something about them rather than removing/adding skills. In the thread mentioned in the OP, I made a post giving suggestions for toning down all the ovepowered rit elites and giving slight buffs to the underpowered rit elites. I think doing something along this line is what they should focus on.
This. A slew of completely new skills has a good chance of either making PvP better or completely destroying it again (months of SWAY?). I'd rather the team just carefully tune what's already in-game.
most skills that i see are flawed or the has drawbacks that outweigh the benefit could easily be reworkd, although some instant cast time spells for binding rituals really need re-working if they're still not changed.
Lithril Ashwalker
instead of making this thjread aboutsuggesting they remove or replace them...just literally whine on another thread listing skills that arent really used like
Shadow Shroud
Shroud of silence
Shadow Shroud
Shroud of silence
most skills that i see are flawed or the has drawbacks that outweigh the benefit could easily be reworkd, although some instant cast time spells for binding rituals really need re-working if they're still not changed.
Your joking of course
They "Fix" a skill then find that several encounters in pve either become next to impossible of completely easy.
Then they discover that the new fixed skill is dominating pvp at the expense of all other builds.
So they re fix it and re re fix it.
Which is where we are at the moment with skills being fixed nerfed or rebalanced use whatever term you like.
What it comes down to I suspect is a broken skill doesn't cause them any problems because it isn't used.
Soon as people start using skills they become problems for the team so why on earth would they want to add to their workload by fixing more skills.
Commander Kanen
Key thing is. Dervish and paragon skills have to be fearly good skills as they get less choice of skills overall.
I would rather have 20 bad skills for monk that i never use rather than 5 bad dervish skills.
Get what i mean ?
I would rather have 20 bad skills for monk that i never use rather than 5 bad dervish skills.
Get what i mean ?
This suggestion makes no sense. Why would you remove skills and then add new ones to the game when you can just recycle the flawed skills?
Artisan Archer
Mintha Syl
What's there so bad in many skills? If you don't want them, don't get them for your chars. Problem solved. But some people likes to have so much choice. You know, at least for fun's sake. And if something could be rearranged to work better...that's what updates are for. But deleting and adding would really be bad bad.
This suggestion makes no sense. Why would you remove skills and then add new ones to the game when you can just recycle the flawed skills?
If they're gonna buff stuff though make sure they run it by the tk thoroughly, last time they buffed a bunch of elites is demonstration enough they need help doing it.
Yes, this is "EASILY" done. Everyone who plays a melee class absolutely LOVES Empathy. This is an example of an "EASILY" done buff to a skill that made it ridiculously overpowered in PvP. It has to be, and will be tweaked again. It takes at least 2-4 tries, if not more, to get a skill change right. Honestly, balancing skills is probably the HARDEST thing to do in a game such as this one.
Come on! That would get rid of all but two skills in the Motivation Attribute!
Artisan Archer
What's there so bad in many skills? If you don't want them, don't get them for your chars. Problem solved. But some people likes to have so much choice. You know, at least for fun's sake. And if something could be rearranged to work better...that's what updates are for. But deleting and adding would really be bad bad.
With 1319 skills, balance is HELL.
They fixed the problem in GW2 by forcing you to have 7 of the skills limited to a certain small list.
That way you can balance just 5 skills, then the elite, the healing skills, and the trouble comes from the 3 'free' ones.
I wish they did the same in GW1, it would fix a lot of problems, but they can't, that's why they are making GW2 and all those small and barely useful fixes in GW1.
That's all that can be done with the resources they have.
They fixed the problem in GW2 by forcing you to have 7 of the skills limited to a certain small list.
That way you can balance just 5 skills, then the elite, the healing skills, and the trouble comes from the 3 'free' ones.
I wish they did the same in GW1, it would fix a lot of problems, but they can't, that's why they are making GW2 and all those small and barely useful fixes in GW1.
That's all that can be done with the resources they have.