oldschool high end: gothic def, white reaver, katana
Red Fireball
thread closed
Red Fireball
1st bump here
s/b echovald shield
ig: Hell of a Drug
ig: Hell of a Drug
Red Fireball
2nd bump, ty for s/b, bacara (I´d need your IGN)
Belle Dwayna
sb gothic
ig : la belle dwayna
ig : la belle dwayna
Red Fireball
3rd bump, ty for s/b, belle dwayna
5. Echovald Shield q11 tactics +27HP -2 while enchanted
B/O 44k
IGN : I Isindor I
B/O 44k
IGN : I Isindor I
Red Fireball
4th bump, ty Isin for b/o, t4t ;-)
Orange Milk
IF the Gothic Defender is 16 ar then I will bid
IGN Orange Milk
IGN Orange Milk
4. Amber Aegis q10 strength -2 while in a stance +10 armor vs Demons:b/o 25e
IGN:Ultima di Orifiamma
(I have send a PM to you)
IGN:Ultima di Orifiamma
(I have send a PM to you)
Red Fireball
5th bump, Gothic is max. ofc, Ultima: ty for b/o, sent ya pm.
B/O on unded Flame Djinn
IGN Asereth Silverwind
IGN Asereth Silverwind
Red Fireball
6th bump, ty for b/o, Invertation
Red Fireball
7th bump, sold flamedjinn, t4t, will keep the amber for ultima, will sell the Gothic soon (set r/b now, means I´ll sell in 48 hours to orange milk, if no higher bids will be posted), will sell 1) and 2) for 18(+)e each.
Red Fireball
8th bump, will sell gothic to orange, pls wsp when online