q9 Golds (Celestial Longbow, FDS, etc)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2010


Like title says, I'm not too sure what these are worth anymore, but I have no use for them. All of them except the Celestial Longbow are inscriptible. (Too lazy to take screenshots)

Poisonous Celestial Longbow of Fortitude
Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (q9)
Damage +15%
Armor -10 (while attacking)
Lengthens Poison duration on foes by 33% (stacking)
Health +30
Jeweled Chakram of Aptitude
Energy +12 (q9 Illusion)
Halves Casting time of Illusion spells (20%)
Inscription: "Man for All seasons"
Armor +5 (vs Ele Dmg)
Vampric Salient sword of Deathbane
Slashing Dmg: 15-22 (q9)
Life Draining: 3
Health regen -1
Inscription: "Dance with Death"
Dmg +15% (while in a stance)
Dmg +20% (vs Undead)
Defensive Earth Staff of Valor
Halves skill recharge of spells (20%)
Energy +10
Earth Dmg: 11-22 (q9 Earth)
Armor +5
Health +59 (while Hexed)
Inscription: "Aptitude not Attitude"
Halves casting time of Earth spells (19%)
Fiery Dragon Sword of Defense
Fire Dmg: 15-22 (q9)
Armor +5
Inscription: "Vengeance is Mine"
Dmg +19% (while Health is below 50%)

Also, if no buyers, a Price Check on them as well would be nice. Thanks in advanced, and my IGN is Wreaking Havok.

EDITED by Oath for the following Guidelines Violation: Changed to the appropriate prefix. The High End prefix is for threads where a significant majority of the items have values of 100k or more. The Low End prefix is for threads where a significant majority of the items have values of less than 100k. The Mixed prefix is for threads where there is a fairly even split between High End and Low End items.
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