EOTN Reputation Weekend and Zaishen Quests?
I had an old Molotov quest active in my log and I went and killed him today. I turned in the bounty and only got the normal 1,250 reputation for it. I can swear you used to get double-reputation for the Zaishen Quests when you turned them in on a double-rep weekend. Am I making that up?
Mintha Syl
Weird, my zaishen bounties/quests gave me double points this weekend, as it was supposed to be, so I don't see why it didn't work for you.
I think the Double weekend has ended now, therefor you were to late, as i got 5 k rep for turning in Frostmaws earlier today.
Mintha Syl
Oh, just saw ^^
I waited for my turn in of one of the bounties (I finished it, got to the gtob and looked at the clock---it was another hour or so before the weekend would start).....and still got the extra for it, so not sure why you did not.
I haven't tried the old Molotov ZB's (on several chars), but I've been working on my new warrior all weekend, had several dungeon ZB's, and all of them delivered double points as per specifications.
Black Metal
ive done 3 or 4 zms and zbs in EOTN and gotten double rep on all of them
edit: i just turned in a full hero's handbook, no double rep =(
edit: i just turned in a full hero's handbook, no double rep =(
Horace Slughorn
you added wrong
Iyo The Rit
Are you sure you didn't just misread the amount of rep you were supposed to get or the difference between the rep you had after turning in the quest and beforehand? Maybe your eyes are just messing with you. :P
This is because hero/dungeon handbooks do NOT count for double rep points during these specific events.
This is because hero/dungeon handbooks do NOT count for double rep points during these specific events.
Hugh Manatee
IIRC the text that says you get X of Y reputation stays the same, but did you check the actual title in the hero panel?