PC: r9 14-25 Silverwing Bow



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005

Hello, I need a PC on a r9 14-28 Silverwing Recurve Bow.

Please note that it is 14-28 and not 15-28. I didn't notice until today when trying to sell it...




Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2009




FYI the title of this thread is a typo. You might wanna change that.

100e-125e imo

A regular q9 silverwing is going for about 150e base on what i have observed in kamadon recently. That one point of dmg really will not matter enough to most people because a recurve bow is usually used for condition spread pressure and interrupts. In such case it does not really rely on the actual damage of the bow THAT much. However, its not perfect so of course people will want a discount on it from a regular max one. But I think most people wouldn't mind the 14-28 if they pay 25e cheaper ^^



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jan 2010

wtb vs Dragons shields!

Vengeance Of The Night


Well, for people who can afford to pay 150e on a bow, 25e ain't that much of a difference, and people always want max stuff.

I've seen q9 14-28 silverwings at ~30-40e.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2009




Originally Posted by SkyFallsInThunder View Post
Well, for people who can afford to pay 150e on a bow, 25e ain't that much of a difference, and people always want max stuff.

I've seen q9 14-28 silverwings at ~30-40e.
That is way too low imo. I will sweep that bow up at 30e anytime.

angela faye

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2007


I agree with SkyFallsInThunder, this non-max silverwing bow can't get you anything above 50e, trust me. ppl who have the money to buy a req9 max one won't pay half of the price for a non-max one. And if they dont have enough for a req9 they will go for req12-13 one. As we know, a req12-13 silverwing bow is around 50-70e now.

I remember 3 years back I had a req7 14-21 +5energy GOLD crenellated Sword which kills me for selling it. Everyone was laughing at me and said the sword was junk only because its 1 point away from max. Finally I found a buyer willing to pay 30k for it. (Just to remind, even at that time a MAX req7 +5e good skin sword could get you over 100e+ easily). And I hope you all know how much a req7 +5energy MAX sword goes now?!

Add: Volitar, sell it to Agdron for 30e then, I think its a good deal for you..

Da Bears

Da Bears

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2010

...my greatness

Saviors of [Evil]


totally agree with above post. i would sell at 50e and go from there



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2008

"???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]" | Retired in "Teh Academy [PhD]"


I personally would just customize it and be happy about a new cool bow on my ranger.... you won't realize 1% is missing while playin anyway. And the few ectos you might get aren't a big loss...

30-50e possible.
