Froggy and stuff


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2009


I reserve the right to sell in game or not at all.

Q9 Prot Frog 20/20
C/O: 50zkey
B/O: 150e

Q9 Divine Favor Frog 20/20
C/O: n/a
B/O: --

Q9 Divine Favor Celestial Compass 20/20
C/O: n/a
B/O: --

q8 Wooden Buckler
gold, tactics
+30 health, inscribable with -5/20%
C/O: n/a
B/O: --

q8 Celestial Shield (oldschool, single mod...)
gold, str
-3 while hexed
C/O: n/a
B/O: 25k

q13 Exalted Aegis
Gold, tactics
+1/20% prot prayers
+56 while hexed
C/O: n/a
B/O: 25k

q8 Skull shield
blue, command
+30, inscribable
C/O: n/a
B/O: --

q8 Great Conch
purple, tactics
+30, inscribable
C/O: n/a
B/O: --

q8 Aureate Lamp
blue, divine favor
inscribable, no current mods
C/O: n/a
B/O: --

q8 Hallowed Idol
blue, smiting prayers
inscribable, no current mods
C/O: n/a
B/O: --

q8 Ancient Shield
gold, command
+30, inscribable

I didn't list starting bids because I guess people will bid as it goes.

ign: Acolyte Rock

Feel free to contact me there when I'm on. If I don't respond, be patient and try again later. I'm not ignoring, and I will scroll up when applicable



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2006


Whats Going On [sup]


50z keys on the q9prot frog

i dealer i

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2008


q8 Ancient Shield
15e on that one

ing: nila van aris


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2009


Just a bump up