PC on q8 Gladius
Marcus Vivinus
A Q8 perfect gladius oldschool, 15^stance, 20/20 and +30.
How much can I get for this?
Q9 Soul Reaping zodiac staff
HSR 20%
Hale and Hearty (+5e ^50)
Ench +20%
Q9 Dwarven Axe inscr
Q12 Dadao Sword
dmg +20% (under 50%) -oldschool-
+30 hp
dwarven axe - 5k (you might make a bigger profit if you salvage the mods from it and merch the axe)
dadao sword - id say merchant but not sure though
dadao sword - id say merchant but not sure though
Marcus Vivinus
Bump of the day, would like to know the price of the gladius and if or if not to merch the dadao. Also really curious concerning the zodiac staff.
Zodiac ain't much, it's inscr and SR... I would say some 10-15k, but unsure.
I would merch the Dadao - high q kills it and its inherent mod is awful.
Gladius is 20e+, unsure as to how much, though.
I would merch the Dadao - high q kills it and its inherent mod is awful.
Gladius is 20e+, unsure as to how much, though.
Nah the gladius is like at most 15e. At the very most considering i have a 15^50 gladius that isnt selling for 25e.