wts weapon mods

fires element

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2007



faith is my shield AR +5 while enchanted
serenitty now 10% x2
riddle of steel AR+10 vs slashing x2
have faith EN +5 while enchanted
i have the power EN +5 x2
strength and honor 15^50 x2
guided by fate DMG +15% while enchanted
through think and thin AR+10 vs piercing
sleep now in the fire AR+10 vs fire
aptitude not attitude 20%
seize the day EN+15-1 regen

weapon mods:
wand wrap of memory HCT item attribute 20% x2
adept staff head HCT item attribute 20% x2
insightful staff head EN+5 x2
hale staff head +30 health x2
staff wrap of shelter AR+7 vs physical
sundering axe 20/20
axe grip of shelter AR+7 vs physical
axe grip of defense AR+5 x3
zealous axe haft
focus core of fortitude +30
sword pommel of deathbane DMG+20% vs undead
sword pommel of defense AR+5
furious sword hilt 10%
zealous sword hilt
hammer grip of fortitude +30 x2
furious hammer haft 10%
vampiric hammer haft 5/1
dagger handle enchanting 20%
zealous dagger
spear grip of shelter AR+7 vs physical
furious spear head 10%
spear grip of fortitude +30
bow grip of fortitude +30 x2
sundering bowstring 20/20
poisonous bowstring

other things:
ded livia
gold req 10 inscribable gothic dual axe
gold req 9 strength inscribable shield of the lion

say what you want and how much you are offering and leave you ign so i can contact you to make the trades. i'll check this as frequently as possible


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2010

Spear grip of fortitude +30 for 5k

IGN-Smirnoff I



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2010



-"Through Thick and Thin"
-"I have the power"
-"Aptitude not Attitude"

6k for all
IGN: Nocturnal Sniper