hey guys id like a price check on this chaos axe i found the other day
max dmg
dmg +15% hp regen -1
Zealous +1 -1
30 hp
not inscribable
PC Q 9 chaos axe
30k imo maybe little less coz of the -1
Gabriel of Ravn
Um don't know what the other guy is talking about but I would mod it with vampiric hilt and you could probably sell it for 60k if not more as a double vamp weapon
Double vamp weps are rare, and a Chaos Axe one is sure to get 100k+ imo.
Lol dont listen to the first two PC, they dont know what they are talking about.
a q9 dual vamp chaos can go for 25e (or more depending on buyer).
a q9 dual vamp chaos can go for 25e (or more depending on buyer).