Over the last 2 days, The night before the server move started I have been having issues, Sure, you can blame it on the server move which it may well be, these issues are in questions below.
(Error message: Code 058 and 007)
my questions are;
Why could I not log onto American servers when there are 3 districts active?(I'm European, UK)
Is this situation STILL going on?
Why can I not log on at all right now?
Why can I not load the Wiki page?(Is this an ISP issue or do they share some sort of server..?)
I'm sorry if this seems like a stupid thread, I really think it could be deeper...
Thank you for any help I get.
(I'm not the smartest when it comes to networking... I'm really a beginner at most things computer related)
Server move - Not able to log on
I Pwn Brownies
(I'm not the smartest when it comes to networking... I'm really a beginner at most things computer related)
For all anyone knows, all you would need is a router reset. Go submit a ticket or contact Gaile. That's where you'd likely get the most help, the next most helpful place being here.
Why can I not load the Wiki page?(Is this an ISP issue or do they share some sort of server..?)
There are other DNS services out there - which I don't know the address of at the moment, but if you google "free DNS" you can find some (there's even a Google one I think.)
So try a different DNS or, if you wait long enough, your local DNS should update soon-ish.