Royal Gifts 3kea, Have 37 will trade for gold rin relics(need 12 relics)
Also have 40 celestial summoning stones, make me an offer(i'd like 2k ea), will trade for rin relics.
Also have a R9 White Reaver +15 damage -5 energy
Also have R9 insc Runic Blade(10k), R9 insc Sephis Sword(5k), and R9 insc Sephis Axe(5k) and 2 The Riddle of Steel +10 vs slashing inscs.
EDITED by cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: Changed to the appropriate prefix. The High End prefix is for threads where a significant majority of the items have values of 100k or more. The Low End prefix is for threads where a significant majority of the items have values of less than 100k. The Mixed prefix is for threads where there is a fairly even split between High End and Low End items.
Please review the Ventari's Corner Guidelines
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37*3k=100k+... math fail much?
WTS 37 Royal Gifts, 40 celestial summoning stones, R9 oldscool white reaver
Hugh Manatee