EotN Dungeons - HM - Solo (Shadow Form) (Practice runs in NM are okay). This includes dungeons such as:Catacombs of Kathandrax Oola's Lab Sepulchre of Dragrimmar Ooze Pit UWSC Terraway:Wastes E/R Mtns + Pools A/E Planes A/E Pits A/E
Willing to pay consumables. Got some speed clearing experience from guild runs with a full party, but not with solo. Got all EotN skills, blessed armors and +armor shields.
Please post the following info:Type of run Price Timezone (and online times) Preferrably any special info, such as personal cons so I'll be prepared.
I live in Europe GMT +2, so please make sure you can arrange the run. I may not be online for several reasons, such as school, but I should be online everyday at least on 3:00 PM UTC.
IGN: Assassin Juze