Around 50 golds


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006


Would really appreciate any feedback.

There is a non-inscribable req 8 jade wand, the rest are 9+.

Items I'm most interested in a price check for are the wand, a HSR 20% healing winged smite staff (pre-nerf) and a req 10 wingcrest maul (not shown in screeny)


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2010

Whats Prot Spirit [FoR]


I'd salvage the +30 off the non-inscr plagueborn sword and merch it, since that inherent is terrible for warriors.
The non-inscr bludgeoner, I'd also salvage off the hammer mastery mod and merch it, since the inherent is terrible.
If the non-inscr jeweled staff of enchanting does not have an inherent mod (which it doesn't look like), then salvage off the 20% enchant and merch the weapon.
The non-inscr Holy Rod is worthless since it cannot have a second modifier attached to it. Same goes for the flame artifact and the deadly cesta.
As for the cruel break hammer of ogreslaying, I'd salvage off the ogreslaying mod and sell it on its own (I would certainly like to buy it, send me a pm if you'd like to sell it to me please).
Salvage the marksmanship off the poisonous recurve bow if you want, then merch it.
Same goes for the bludgeoner.
Might want to salv the mods off the vampiric sai then merch the daggers if you still have them.
salv the shelter off the war hammer then merch.
That's all I've got time for, sorry.
I'm terrible at knowing what valuable things are worth, but I'm fairly good at knnowing what's not worth much.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2009


The Silent Few[TSF]


salvage the good mods from the inscribables and merch all inscrib weapons imo

Dmitri Anzel

Dmitri Anzel

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2008



1) Fire staff as far as i know they not easy to get and this one is q9 inscribed i would say 5-8k or maybe little more
2) windblade spear prolly merchant or 1-2k but its mod 20% enchant can worth 2-3k and zealous im not sure, probably worth something so ask another opinion on that.
3) igneous blade is pretty much merchant
4) flamberge some people like their skin so 1-3k but merchant otherwise. measure to measure inscription can worth 300-500g itself.
5) platinum sickle 1-3k or merhcant pretty much
6) Enameled Shield aound 5-6k
7) Sai is around 2-3k
8) not sure about serpent axe and Scepter of the forgotten.
9) rest of them are pretty much merchant.

1) Jade bow can go for 10-15k, ask another opinion on that
2) platinum Blade can go around 3k
3) like the earlier post said plagueborn sword is pretty much merhcant except 30hp mod can go from 2-3k
4) onie daggers can go for 1-3k
5) Vamp mod in battle pick could worth 1-2k
6) vamp mod in sai can also go around 1-2k and 20% enchant can go for 2k around
7) Not sure about Jade wand since q8 max so i can't tell u price on that ask another person, just don't like the 19% restoration on communing wand, not a good combo.
8) Not sure about winged smiting staff either ask another opinion on that
9) jewel staff salavge the 20% enchant which can go for 3k but staff it self is for merhcant
10) not sure about shadow bow and ensorcelling staff but rest are pretty much merchant.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2010

Whats Prot Spirit [FoR]


Yeah, like pontus said, I'd salvage the good max mods off the inscribables then merch whatever's left. There don't seem to be any particularly valuable skins there, sorry.

Um, I don't understand the Winged Staff... it has an inherent 20% recharge on Healing Prayers instead of all spells... I have no idea why that is.
However, unless I'm missing something very obvious about that staff, it'd be worth a hell of a lot, since staves like that don't exist anymore...


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006


Thanks for all the responses, happy to hear I have at least one valuable item.

No, dont think you missed anything just came back from a 2 year break.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2010

Whats Prot Spirit [FoR]


Yeah. I have literally never personally seen a staff without the inherent skill recharge of all spells that all staves have now, but I have a vague memory of hearing that they didn't used to have that trait. I thought that they had all been updated, so I don't know what's going on with that staff, but I wouldn't suggest selling it at all right now, even for a price that would seem nice (like 20e or so), because it is potentially one of a kind.
Again, unless I'm being dumb and missing something really obvious.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006


daily bump...


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006


Would like a more accurate price on the staff please and also a price on the jade wand, not too bothered about rest.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006


daily bump...


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006


daily bump...


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006


daily bump..


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006


daily bump, would really like a price on those 3 items.