I apologize for this extensive list, but I am new here and after looking at the price check feature here, I saw most items have no price attached. Any help here would be appreciated as I need to sell this arsenal.
1. Eternal Shield-AR 16 r9 strength. Inscription-Sheltered By Faith.
2. Ancient Shield of Fortitude-AR 16 r12 Command. Health +30. Inscription-Leaf on the Wind.
3. Skull Shield of Fortitude-AR 16 r9 Command. Health +29.Inscription-Sheltered By Faith.
4. Diamond Aegis Of Fortitude-AR 16 r9 Command. Health +28. Inscription-Through Thick And Thin.
5. Skull Brush Of Fortitude-Energy +12 r11 Curses. Health +30. Inscription-Faith Is My Shield.
6. Fiery Gladius-Fire dmg. 15-22. r10 Swordsmanship
7. Kephkets Refuge
8. Gardock's Staff
9. Cruel Saurian Scythe of Scythe Mastery-Slashing dmg. 9-41 r13. Lengthens deep wound duration by 33%. Scythe Mastery +1 (19% chance while using skills). Inscription-Vengeance Is Mine.
10. Shocking Saurian Scythe of Fortitude-Lightning dmg. 9-41 r9. Health +29. Inscription-Don't Think Twice.
11. Vampiric Saurian Scythe of Shelter-Slashing dmg. 9-41 r11. Life Draining:5Health regen -1. AR +7 (vs. physical dmg.) Inscription-Show Me The Money.
12. Fiery Igneous Blade of Defense-Fire Dmg. 15-22 r10. AR+5. Inscription-Strength and Honor.
13. Fiery Tribal Spear of Defense-Fire Dmg. 14-27 r10. AR+5. Inscription-Measure For Measure.
14. Asterius's Scythe
15. Myish's Scythe
16. Murakai's Maul
17. Murakai's Blade
18. Shak-Jarin's Sword
19. Channeling Focus-Energy+12 r10 Channeling. Health+30
20. Razortongue's Recurve Bow
21. Stinger (Green bow from Sorrow's Furnace)
22. Thornbeard's Horned Bow (From Sorrow's Furnace)
23. Chehbaba's Longbow
24. Nandet's Recurve Bow
25. Custo's Hornbow
26. Arachni's Staff
27. Thorgall's Stone Smasher (From Sorrow's Furnace)
28. Wroth's Icon (From Sorrow's Furnace)
29. Chan's Greed
30. Gordac's Hook Blood (From Sorrow's Furnace)
31. Hamlen's Artifact
32. Reefclaw's Refuge
33. Chaklin's Axe
34. Iridescent Aegis of Devotion-AR16 r9 Motivation. Health+43 (while enchanted). Inscription-Pure of Heart.