tower shield skin
red blindness 20%
-2 enchanted
I know it's gotta crappy mod bit what's it worth anyway?
IGN Lithril Ashwalker
(note to admins)
tried to fond where my previous post to his one bit searching not allowed plz inbox dupe post if made.
Pc q7 strength tower shield
Lithril Ashwalker
angela faye
Although this is a pretty useless shield ( str req, bad mods and less popular skin), but it's definitely not merch food due to the rarity ( 7/16 dual mods shield always worth something imo).
It's very hard to tell the exact value of your shield. It really depends on how lucky you could find a "collector" who willing to pay something for it.
It's very hard to tell the exact value of your shield. It really depends on how lucky you could find a "collector" who willing to pay something for it.