Cinematics + Explorer Title

Killed u man

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006

Tried to look on wiki, but couldn't find anything specific on this issue.

During a cinematic, your character is placed in a frozen state in whatever area the cinematic is taking place. Even if your character does not appear on screen (during the GWEN destroyer visions), it is, however, still there, but just off-screen.

On the wiki, I found that if you load slowly (too slow) during a cinematic, you will load in whilst everyone else is already watching the cinematic, and you'll be free to walk around.

Has anyone ever done any research as to these could be usefull for the carthographer title in some cinematics? For example, watching the "Land of the Golden Sun" cinematic in Nightfall is the only way one can uncover a certain part of the map, whereas in other cinematics, you are watching an area really far away. What if you manage to load in slowly during this cinematic, will you be able to map otherwise unmappable areas?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2008

Australia, what you want my home address?



Hi, with regards to being able to move around when you slow load in... even when I'm the only player in the party I've managed to move around, just by rocking back and forth on the strafe keys before the cutscene loads... I can't say I've noticed any benefit to the cartography title in unmapping any extra space from this, I just do it for the lols and the funny screen shots... would be interesting if it can be used to scrape up a few extra 0.1%s though.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2010



I've made it to legendary cartrogropher without moving in the cinematics. I wont say it wouldnt benefit if you do this, but it's not needed.