Nice trolling, after I explained why we should wait for some answers from the OP first =).
Originally Posted by Elder III
Elektraaa - please take a few minutes and learn who you are debating with (referring to Lord Sojar)
If you're trying to imply that ones argument should change based on who the person is, then not only are you corrupt but all hail me (
joking, I don't want special treatment just because I was sponsored by intel)? Seriously though. What on earth do you mean by this? lol. If it's about this comment
Originally Posted by Elektraaa
You own this forum? Cool. I like it.
That was rhetoric.
Originally Posted by Elder III
if you were not a newcomer to these forums (nothing wrong with being new btw) you would already know something about the regulars and where they stand on many different hardware issues.
Again, irrelevant; my argument still stays the same.
Originally Posted by Elder III
I believe all that lord sojar is saying is that the P55 chipset serves the vast majority of gamers just as well as the X58 and has typically been a significantly cheaper platform as well.
That's not what he said. Maybe he meant it, but that's not what he said. And what you believe is irrelevant. I'm not arguing with what he thinks in his head, I'm not arguing with what I THINK he thinks but I am arguing with what he actually said. Understood?
Whether the platform has been cheaper is completely irrelevant to what is
now; furthermore, his statement did not account for price. So what you have said is irrelevant; in addition, the suggestion he did gave was quite poor for someone conscious of price (according to you) - after all, he went over the OP's budget. You might want to get a pentium 1, because in the past, pentium 3 was more expensive. Can you see how invalid this argument is?
Shoulda, woulda, coulda, did think, didn't think, was this, was that, woulda been this. Forget all that. Arguments aren't won through assumptions as to what someone means and computers shouldn't be bought based on what was in the past.
Originally Posted by Elder III
Nobody is going to say that the the extreme 980x with a $400 X58 is going to perform worse than say an i5 750 with a $150 P55 mobo.
He said P55 was better than X58, period. He never mentioned cost. Stop twisting things.
If you are going to worry about cost, and stick to OP's budget, then that's a different argument, and like I already proved - you'll save money on the 950 and get greater performance.
Originally Posted by Elder III
You generally do get better performance with more money spent
Generally, yes, 950 is cheaper than an 870 though. So one shouldn't compare a 920 (which is even cheaper than both of them) with the 870. One should compare models matching price as closely as possible, that's the 950 and the 870. In that situation, the 950 wins, proving his irrelevant argument false.
Originally Posted by Elder III
however most gamers are not going to see a noticeable "real life" performance increase with the more expensive setup.
We don't know what will happen in the future. Right now, you can get away with 2 cores and won't see a huge difference, simply because games aren't utilizing much of a computer. In the future? Who knows.
Originally Posted by Elder III
Most people still game with a single GPU, on a 19-20" screen and don't give a hoot about 60+fps with 8x AA etc... 
Competitive gamers have always wanted above 120FPS. Competitive gamers would obviously want to stick to a single GPU because dual introduces input lag.
Originally Posted by Elder III
I'm essentially paraphrasing what Lord Sojar has stated multiple times in the past. I think if you would both sit down and look over the others posts in the past you would find that you agree more than you think you do.
Wrong. The more I look at it, the more I think it's nonsense. The op mentioned a budget, and the games he/she wanted to play, Lord Sojar spoke of 2 graphics cards (knowing that GW2 isn't out yet) and went well over budget.
Originally Posted by Elder III
*there I've broken my own rule of "Never be a self imposed Moderator" - guess I'll punish myself by going back to work now.*
I don't really care for all this personal stuff. It doesn't add any weight to the discussion. Now please leave me alone, I'm trying to help the OP. I understand you've tried to help Lord Sojar because you believe he can not express himself properly, so you are essentially insulting him by trying to explain his point to me, yourself. I am not interested in any of that. You can rephrase whatever you like, how you like. You are both wrong, and this is a waste of my time and the OP's.
Who apparently, you aren't interested in helping at all. If you were, you would have just left it at that. I had quite clearly stopped arguing about that, and my last post shows that I was waiting for answers to some questions RELEVANT to the OP.
I will PM them (I feel bad that this thread has turned to rubbish just because people can't get over certain things) and ask for the answers of
these questions.
I'm wrong, the intel i7 920's are now £190. That's £60 cheaper than the P55 870 (32% more).