I'm selling the items below, s/b and b/o's are posted by the pictures or items. If you want to buy an item for b/o please post here first then contact me ingame.
My ingame name is "X Tar", please contact me ingame online if you have posted the b/o or I have post on this thread that you have won the item.
I reserve all rights....
WTS Zodiac Staff Channeling Magic
Tar Ionwe
Tar Ionwe
bump up. . .
Tar Ionwe
bump up . . .
s/b gothic sword
Tar Ionwe
bump up.. ..
Tar Ionwe
bump up. . .
|Added the Zodiac Staff|
|Added the Zodiac Staff|
Tar Ionwe
bump up. . . . .
s/b zodiac staff
My ingame name is Syn Megaira
My ingame name is Syn Megaira
Tar Ionwe
*Will sell after one more bump*
*Will sell after one more bump*