sorry to bother ppl, but I've been getting PCs from zones on these that are all over the place ><
I have (all gold):
Crippling Oni Daggers Q9, Dmg +14% (w/enchant), Lenght Cripple
Fiery Oni Daggers Q9, Dmg +15% (w/enchant)
Icy Oni Daggers of Defense Q10, eng +5, armor +5
Oni Daggers of Defense Q11, Dmg +19% (w/ hexed) arm +5
Ebon Oni Daggers of Fortitude Q12, Dmg +15% (w/enchant) +30 HP
Fiery Oni Daggers of Warding Q12, Dmg +15% -5eng, Arm +7 vs elem
Can anyone pls at least give me a ballpark figure on what Oni Daggers usually go for? there's only 1 on the auction part of the site and its pretty clearly overpriced. Thanks!
PC on Oni Daggers pls
They are very common, 5-10k for q9 15^50, 15^ench or 5en. Other than that it's pretty much merch or a few k...