I am looking to clear out my storage. I prefer gold for all transactions but will make exceptions such as globs of ecto or zashien keys. PM or post reply on your offer. I wanna move these items so willing to go cheap.
Items listed for Sale:
Gargash's Recurve Bow (Bow, Green, Req-9)
Bubahl's Grasp (Scythe, Green, Req-9)
Hand of Forgotten (Scythe, Green, Req-9)
Deldimor's Daggers *Unique version* (Daggers, Green, Req-9)
Exalted Ageis (Strength Sheild, Req-9)
Barbed Dagger Tang (Lengthens Bleeding +33%)
Cruel Hammer Haft (Lengthens Deep Wound +33%)
Poisonous Bow String (Lengthens Poison +33%)
Hale Staff Head (+28 HP)
Shield Handle of Devotion (+43 HP while enchanted)
1 Book of Secrets (End Game Reward for Night Fall Trade in for a Green)
1 Superior Salvage Kit (100 uses)
Stacks of Materials:
1 Stack of Tanned Hides
1 Stack of Cloth
Rune of Major Valor (HP +41)
Elementalist Rune of Superior Fire Magic (+3 Fire Magic -75 HP)
I am Looking to Buy:
Zealous Dagger Mod
Shield Handle of Devotion (+45 HP)
+15% Damage While Enchanted (Inscription)
IGN: Kamikaze The Reaper
Storage Sale
Seppuku Wolf
Seppuku Wolf
Bump, Thanks For Looking!