Moved to college-cant connect?
so i get the 058 could not find any gw servers error when i try to log in...ive tried both wireless and ethernet....
am i not going to be able to play GW at college?
am i not going to be able to play GW at college?
My original college was full of stupid-heads it-wise. And they blocked connection to different game servers saying that it took up to much bandwidth blah blah blah. If your school is full of cheap mofo's in terms of an it dept. You may wish to check if they are the ones blocking the connection. Or check to make sure they aren't all techy and trying to prevent people from illegally downloading shit and are reading the Gw connection wrong.
Also, this may be a better fit for the tech section.
Also, this may be a better fit for the tech section.
End is correct, thus moved to Tech forums
Elder III
You will need to contact your College/University's Tech Dept. It is rather common for them to either totally block MMOs or for them to misidentify them as viruses or other harmful sites.
Yep, check with IT dept first. If they aren't going to let you play, and you are using a wi-fi laptop, pick one of the cool hangouts in your college town (there's always a coffee shop) that has free wi-fi.
I suggest quitting college.
Would a proxy server work?
Would a proxy server work?
im having issues in another thread where my friends list keeps asking me to reconnect, i have replaced my router thiking my other was just old and having issues, however im still having the same problem, it doesnt matter if im on my desktop or my laptop, at home or at work im still having the same problem i have set my DNS to and thinking it might be a DNS issue but to no avail. Is there somewhere i can find which ports to open n my router to see if that is the problem??
Karate Jesus
Is there somewhere i can find which ports to open n my router to see if that is the problem??
And some colleges refuse to open the port, especially state colleges. I hope you can get on, but I honestly doubt they'll let you.
i am not the one having the issues getting online, i am having issues with my friends list telling me to reconnect. I want to open the ports on my router to make sure thats not the problem.
ranger rothers
well crap, now where do i turn to find out why i'm having this issue??
ok after getting totally fed up i took my router out of the equation, and guess what, it has been working fine ever since, so i reconnected my router, then i placed my PC in the DMZ, bypassing my router's firewall, and i havent had the problem since.