Done with two players - traditionally with an Sin for four horsemen - unforunately me and friend had no Sin, so came up with builds to get us through.
Here's a team to get most of you through! Spirits are your friend
Player 1: Ritualist running 16 channeling, rest in spawning power.
Spirits gift, SoS, painful bond, agony, bloodsong, vampirism, technobabble, last slot optional heal, rez, pve skill i think i use lamentation or renewing surge, spirit rift works ok too
Hero 1: Mesmer Interuptor with split between domination, fast cast, and inspiration.
Psychic Instibility, cry of frustration, power drain, leech signet, wastrels worry, cant remember rest think interupts though.
Hero 2: Ritualist/monk communing + spawning power
Soul Twist, displacement, union, boon of creation, hex remover, spirit to flesh + communing spirits
Hero 3: Necro/Rit Rit/Necro Communing, bit of blood
Wanderlust, earthbind, spirits, binding chains, blood ritual, Flesh of flesh/death pact
Player 2: Ritualist or any class that can run spirits, ie anyone except maybe warrior, full communing + expertise, soul reaping, energy storage, or if other class something for e management
SOGM, pain, anguish, shadowsong, displacement if energy is high enough, armor of unfeeling + pve skills of choice, assasin vanguard, technobabble, asura summon, move like a dwarf all work ok
Hero 4: Necro with full Death magic
Aura of the lich, masochism, blood of master, animate bone fiend, signet of lost souls, taste of death, + rez or whatever you want
Hero 5: Rit with Restoration spirits
Life, preservation, recuperation (if energy allows), rejuvenation, + resot heals, flesh of flesh, + hex remove if you like
Hero 6: Nuker, I find earth ele/rit works good
Earth Attunement, eruption, ebon hawke, stoning, unsteady ground, ward against elements, ward of choosing, ashes of prot kolai
Basically any and all spirits are wanted - set spirits before engaging and draw baddies into them. Keep the resto rit back if possible.
The rest is tactics really.
ALWAYS clear areas first before taking quests.
ALWAYS when taking quests which cause spawns, ie four horsemen, imprisoned spirits, servants of grenth, ALWAYS cast spirits before taking quests and place spirits all over the show, flag and micro heroes accordingly.
ALWAYS flag heroes a fair distance apart, keeping resto rit safe.
ALWAYS try to have bloodsong, vampirism taking as much agro as possible, as well as other spirits/minions tanking.
ALWAYS keep casting spirits and cast them away from each other, never bunch spirits together.
Tactics for the tricky quests.
Imprisoned Spirits. Clear everywhere first. Flag heroes apart and place spirits in front of spawning spirit place, watch out front n make sure spirits are blocking the terrors from the spirits. Split is sometimes neccesary - if so flag heroes to players and keep spamming away.
Four horsemen. Everyone gets scared of this one as the traditional way to is to have a perma/tank type character block one side while the rest kill the other side. While this still works fine, assuming neither player is a Sin/tank then this isn't possible, so we'll have to take both sides at once. Flood the area with spirits - with bloodsong/vampirism out front, - both sides are possible if spirits are far enough apart, then take quest. Kill any and all spiders ASAP, then skeles, then horsemen. Minion master should be making minions, and heroes/players making spirits constantly. With mesmer hero plus wanderlust, plus technobabbling everything, terrors are barely able to get off a spell, and when they do its nothing that cant be healed through as long as heroes are flagged apart.
Servents of Grenth: Same idea as four horsemen. The area where they all spawn, flag all heroes apart and cast all spirits all over the show. One player then gets quest, spirits/minions kill all, target terrors, then skeles.
Dhuum: Flag heroes apart, kill the minions first always, keep spamming spirits till dhuum is a goner.
Rest of underworld is a cinch, spirits, blindness, and binding chains, + summons usually mean players don't get hit at all, and its pretty common for the baddies to not get a spell off as they're constantly on the ground, dazed and interupted, and usually not long after dead.
Answers to the inevitable questions:
1. Hey minion masters suck in the underworld! No corpses!!!
Actually there are plenty of fleshies, and they're in the places where the quests are hardest. The minions along with spirits are tough at 19 death magic (AOTL + Masochism) and these are what keep the team doing damage and tank great.
Exactly. If you have a tank you should be able to do Underworld without this guide.
You may be right if the SOS isn't a ritualist, as spirits gift is constantly healing. Stick a couple of heals on the other heroes then.
Summon spirits causes them to clump together bringing agro onto the player, and any heroes they are standing by. I never use in underworld - it's more trouble than help.
Only cons I've ever used are a couple of honeycombs to get a 10% morale boost at the start and a summon can be useful for an extra meat shield, damage, or heal.
Last run not one hero died, just make sure you flag apart always.
Note: This is normal mode only, hard mode would be possible but a conset would probably be required. Hard mode only means an extra drop or two at the end anyway.