Trading question


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2010

I haven't played Guild Wars in over a year, so I'm basically a new player as I've forgotten everything. I got the free 50 TRP and used a Zaishen Key, and was wondering if I should just sell this to someone buying unidentified golds at low prices, or would I get more gold identifying and selling it?

Also, how will I go about answering this myself next time I get one without having to ask you guys?

edit: also, should I sell zaishen keys or should I try my luck with the chests?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2010


Can't Catch The Gingerbread Man [????????????]


Generally if the skin doesn't seem too out of place on the item either sell as an un-id, (600-700g) or maybe expect 1-2k for it if you happen to find someone looking for that particular weapon.

However with staves / caster weapons its sometimes good to identify them yourself because that's where some of the more expensive mods lie.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2009

I don't know D:

I Gots A Crayon [Blue]


Originally Posted by Pricecheckerr View Post

edit: also, should I sell zaishen keys or should I try my luck with the chests?
If you want to be sure of some money, you should sell them. Zkeys are at a steady price of 4.5-5k each, so you wont be taking any risk.
Opening the chest does give you some points to the zaishen title, but for the items you get...
It usually doesnt give much stuff that is actually worth something, only if you are lucky.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2007

Sydney, Australia

Haze of Light [pure]


Ive used probably the equivalent of 2 mill in gold in zkeys. Ive gained back, probably 100k.

In otherwords, if your going for the title go nuts. If you want money, sell!



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2008


Dark Order of Retarded Knights (doRk)


The zchest is like a lottery. Most people are wasting their money, while a few strike it rich.

As for your enscorcelling staff, usually that would seem like a rather common item. But lately, domination weapons are in demand due to the skill buffs to panic and other mesmer skills. I've sold that staff skin myself for 5k in the past week or so in spamadan.

EDIT: Regarding titles... The zaishen title is easily one of the most costly titles in the game to accomplish unless you are a full-time pvper. You have much more economical options if you are seeking GWAMM.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2009


Zkeys are exactly like the lotto
I have only used 5 in the 3 years i've played this game
out of those 5 i got super lucky
had an everlasting tonic and 2 really desirable skins at the time
i think now those skins aren't worth too much but i sold them then so :P
but i know people who have spent 1k zkeys or more and never really gotten anything worth a damn

The New Bp

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2008

United States



I've used 1855 Keys and have yet to get a good drop
and as far as the staff its low end so sell it for what u can



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jan 2009



At the very least, the staff will likely be more than decent to toss on a Mesmer hero. So it's probably worth a bit more to ID it, see what mods it has, and go from there.