Solo Green Farming Beginner


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2010


Back With A Vengeance [Copy]



So, I decided I'm fed up of always being broke, and I don't particularly want to buy my prestige armour set(s) by playing through campaigns and scraping money together. So I figured I'd set up a farming build.

Now I am an A/E, so I am using the standard Solo Green Farmer build (the Shadow Form/Silver Armour one); now I currently have 1.5k full Kurzick armour with full Radiant Insignias. As for equipment, I don't currently have the recommended weapon(s), so I am going to try and replicate a Totem Axe, but again, that wont happen right now, cos I have no money.

Anyway, I'll stop rambling and get to the point. Where would be a good place to start farming? Bare in mind I haven't done solo green farming before, so although I understand my build/how it all works, I think I'd rather start with something that isn't too difficult to take down, then work my way up.

Also, if I start with things that aren't too bad, then I can sell their greens cheaply, and make some quick cash, then move on up once I improve my equipment.

Thanks in advance :3

ranger o mine

ranger o mine

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2008


green farming won't get you much money
try the wallblock farms with nec or mesmer with spiteful spirit/spoil victor and empaty



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2008

Between J&K spending time at the spacebar

Insert here


Can you explain Wallblock 0.o



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2008


Dark Order of Retarded Knights (doRk)


If you have eotn, look into the veattr farm (sp?).

Regarding "wallblock" farms, he is referring to places where you can successfully tank the enemies with your sin, balling them up and bodyblocking them along a wall or other terrain, so that your parter player can destroy them with ranged area of effect damage.

Forget about greens. Except for a very rare few, they are worth very little.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2006



For what its worth trying to sell greens is in my opinion an exercise in frustration.

Make life easier for yourself go to the main trading towns and take a look at what people are asking for.

If over time you notice something is often in demand you can then go farm for that, plenty of materials that are in constant demand.

While your at it you could start farming for Halloween, 2 months near enough should get you a pile of goodies when the festival starts.

Check the list of collectors and their needs.

Da Rk Bl Ad E

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2008

Belfast - Northern Ireland


Do UW.


Lord Dagon

Lord Dagon

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2009

Inside the Oblivion Gate

The Imperial Guards of Istan[TIGE]


greens havent been good money since the days of early realse imo. Go farm vaettir and sell the unids. better money and a better use of your assassin.

Black Metal

Black Metal

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2009


I'd say farming in general is dead, but yeah farming greens is super dead.
This game is 5 + years old. Anyone trying to get rich from nothing now is years behind the curve.
I made my money, the vast majority of my time now is split between enjoying the game with zero grind on a new 2nd acct, and doing random zm/zb/vanquishes on my 1st account on my non-primary char.

Mini Norn

Mini Norn

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2010

Fort Worth, Texas

Lost Souls Of The Shiverpeaks [LoST]


As everyone else says, greens are not worth the time, farm except for a few of them, very few at that. If you really want too make money there are several options you have.
1: SC's (Blah)
2: UW/ToPK farm for ectoplasm
3: Run people to places
4: Learn to run dungeons
5: Feather farm is a good steady income, seeing as how feathers are going for 8-9.5k a stack ATM.

Those are some better options (IMO)
If those don't work for you then theres more out there.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2010


Back With A Vengeance [Copy]


Ah awesome, thanks a lot for the help guys, I really appreciate it. Yeah I am a bit behind on the times, sorry; only just came back to GW lately, so you'll have to forgive me for being 'stuck in the past' XD

But I will look into everything you all recommended, thanks~



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005



Again I can vouch for Vaettirs if you're getting into farming. You can find the build on PvX and I'd go with the /Mo if you're just starting out. It's an easy 3-4 min run and yields lots of golds, glacial stones, map pieces etc. Hope it works out

Mini Norn

Mini Norn

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2010

Fort Worth, Texas

Lost Souls Of The Shiverpeaks [LoST]


Actually I think an A/Mes build is much better for Vaettirs.

My build goes like so

12+3+1 Shadow Arts
12 Inspiration Magic
3 Deadly Arts

Deadly Paradox
Shroud Of Distress
Way Of Perfection
Ether Nightmare(Conjure Nightmare) whatever its called. kurz mesm skill.
Cry Of Pain
Optional(I either use Mantra Of Earth, or Great Dwarven Armor, Archane Echo works too)

Use a shield with +45^Enchanted, +10AR vs. Earth Damage, Typical caster modded martial weapon.

Precast enchantments, go in rounding the top group first. As soon as you recast Shadowform hit mantra of earth, use Mesmer Hex, hit CoP. It will take 3 rounds of Hex, CoP. Energy is not a problem at all.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2007


ok ok - vaetires
a/mo used to be faster than a/me or me/a only because the damage cap was increased by Buh but since that part was nerfed no1 has actually said much again again a/mo.
a/me and me/a should have roughly the same time as the builds are identical - i use both.
The one who hasnt had any time changes ( cept possibly a slight increase in speed time wise) is e/me and ive had that at a constant 3 mins ( by /age which is done on all ).
Btw - the above suggested a +45 enchanted on shield , i dont use any hp boost on shield and both my sin and mes ( obviously ) use shadow arts at 12 - only reason to go higher is to increase sf length which isnt really needed - so you save 75hp right there on sin.
With practice you dont need extra hp and it can be done ( tested for a laugh ) on a 55 sin ( not build ) and 105 sin and both survived easily - in theory you shoudnt really be taking any real damage.
sorry for sidetracking.

Mini Norn

Mini Norn

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2010

Fort Worth, Texas

Lost Souls Of The Shiverpeaks [LoST]


Well no its not needed at all, but theres more than likely going too be a +HP mod on the shield so why not +45 ^ Enchanted?

Its just there. Too have. Just for some reason.