A lot of REQ 8 items (UNINSCRIPTIBLE)


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


Could you estimate my collection (71 items) please

I will sell some items^^

All items is : "GOLD / Max damage / Req 8 / UNINSCRIPTIBLE)"

6 Shields :
-Defender (str), +45 (ench)/-2 (ench)
-Celestial shield (tac), +45 (ench)/-2 (ench)
-Bronze shield (tac), +45 (ench)/-2 (ench)
-Ornate buckler (tac), +45 (ench)/-2 (ench)
-Ornate shield (tac), -2 (st)/-2 (ench)
-Bronze shield (tac), +45 (st)/-5 (20%)

13 Swords :
-Gladius, +15% > 50%
-Falchion, +15% > 50%
-Spatha, +15% (ench)
-Long sword, +15% (ench)
-Fellblade, +15% (ench)
-Dragon sword, +15% (ench)
-Wingblade sword, +15% (ench)
-Shadow blade, +15% (ench)
-Golden phoenix blade, +15% (ench)
-Zodiac sword, +15% (ench)
-Gothic sword, +15% (ench)
-Vertebreaker, +15% (ench)
-Katana, +15% -10 (attac)

11 Axes :

-Cleaver, +15% > 50%
-Spiked axe, +15% > 50%
-War axe, +15% > 50%
-Great axe, +15% > 50%
-Kaineng axe, +15% > 50%
-Archaic axe, +15% > 50%
-Chaos axe, +15% (ench)
-Hand axe, +15% (ench)
-Halo axe, +15% (ench)
-Gemstone axe, +15% (ench)
-Battlepick, +15% -5 ener

22 Hammers :
-Giant slayers hammer, +15% > 50%
-Ram's hammer, +15% > 50%
-War hammer, +15% > 50%
-Bkudgeoner, +15% > 50%
-Marble hammer, +15% > 50%
-Melon hammer, +15% > 50%
-Righteous maul, +15% > 50%
-Twin hammer, +15% > 50%
-Plagueborn maul, +15% > 50%
-Break hammer, +15% > 50%
-Mursaat hammer, +15% (ench)
-Golden maul, +15% (ench)
-Clouded maul, +15% (ench)
-Zodiac hammer, +15% (ench)
-Gavel of the nephilim, +15% (ench)
-Summit hammer, +15% (ench)
-War hammer(spike), +15% (ench)
-Foehammer, +15% (ench)
-Runic hammer, +15% -10 (attac)
-War hammer, +15% -10 (attac)
-Colossal pick, +15% -5 ener
-Wolf hammer, +15% -5 ener

6 Bows :
-Longbow, +15% > 50%http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/e...postid=5239557
-Bramble shortbow, +15% > 50%
-Amber longbow, +15% > 50%
-Recurve bow, +15% > 50%
-Ironwing flatbow, +15% -10 (attac)
-Nage longbow, +15% -10 (attac)

13 Daggers :
-Dragon kamas, +15% > 50%
-Hooked daggers, +15% > 50%
-Gilded daggers, +15% > 50%
-Aureate daggers, +15% > 50%
-Ceremonial daggers, +15% > 50%
-Jade daggers, +15% > 50%
-Sai, +15% > 50%
-Kamas, +15% > 50%
-Korambits, +15% -10 (attac)
-Stilletos, +15% -5 ener
-Kris, +15% -5 ener
-Kukris, +15% -5 ener
-Split chakrams, +15% (st)

Thks in advance



WTB q8 15^50 Weapons!

Join Date: Nov 2006

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]

13 Daggers :
-Dragon kamas, +15% > 50% 40e
-Hooked daggers, +15% > 50% 25e
-Gilded daggers, +15% > 50% 40e
-Aureate daggers, +15% > 50% 40-50e
-Ceremonial daggers, +15% > 50% 20-30e
-Jade daggers, +15% > 50% 20e
-Sai, +15% > 50% 50e+
-Kamas, +15% > 50% 50e
-Korambits, +15% -10 (attac) 30-40kish?
-Stilletos, +15% -5 ener 20-30kish?
-Kris, +15% -5 ener 5k
-Kukris, +15% -5 ener 20k
-Split chakrams, +15% (st) 20k

6 Bows :
-Longbow, +15% > 50% Atleast i dont have access to the link?
-Bramble shortbow, +15% > 50% 50e+?
-Amber longbow, +15% > 50% 20e
-Recurve bow, +15% > 50% 20-30e
-Ironwing flatbow, +15% -10 (attac) 40k?
-Nage longbow, +15% -10 (attac) 40e

13 Swords :
-Gladius, +15% > 50% 20e
-Falchion, +15% > 50% 20e
-Spatha, +15% (ench) 10k
-Long sword, +15% (ench) 20k
-Fellblade, +15% (ench) 30k
-Dragon sword, +15% (ench) 20k
-Wingblade sword, +15% (ench) 10k
-Shadow blade, +15% (ench) 20k
-Golden phoenix blade, +15% (ench) 30k
-Zodiac sword, +15% (ench) 50k
-Gothic sword, +15% (ench) 30k
-Vertebreaker, +15% (ench) 10k
-Katana, +15% -10 (attac) 20e

I'll add more opinions later when i got time i thinks



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2008

"???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]" | Retired in "Teh Academy [PhD]"


-Defender (str), +45 (ench)/-2 (ench) = ~80e imo
-Celestial shield (tac), +45 (ench)/-2 (ench) = 50-70e imo
-Bronze shield (tac), +45 (ench)/-2 (ench) = 125-150e
-Ornate buckler (tac), +45 (ench)/-2 (ench) = 30-40e
-Ornate buckler (tac), -2 (st)/-2 (ench) = 40-50e
-Bronze shield (tac), +45 (st)/-5 (20%) = 70-100k maybe

13 Swords :
-Gladius, +15% > 50% = 100k
-Falchion, +15% > 50% = 70k
-Spatha, +15% (ench) = 20-30k
-Long sword, +15% (ench) = 50k
-Fellblade, +15% (ench) = 100k
-Dragon sword, +15% (ench) = 30k
-Wingblade sword, +15% (ench) = 30-40k
-Shadow blade, +15% (ench) = 40-60k
-Golden phoenix blade, +15% (ench) = 70k
-Zodiac sword, +15% (ench) = 80-100k
-Gothic sword, +15% (ench) = 50-60k
-Vertebreaker, +15% (ench) = 30-40k
-Katana, +15% -10 (attac) = 70-80k

11 Axes :
-Cleaver, +15% > 50% = ~50k
-Spiked axe, +15% > 50% = ~50k
-War axe, +15% > 50% = ~50k
-Great axe, +15% > 50% = ~50k
-Kaineng axe, +15% > 50% = 40e~ imo
-Archaic axe, +15% > 50% = 50k
-Chaos axe, +15% (ench) = 70k
-Hand axe, +15% (ench) = 20-30k
-Halo axe, +15% (ench) = 70k~
-Gemstone axe, +15% (ench) = 50k~
-Battlepick, +15% -5 ener = 20k

22 Hammers :
-Giant slayers hammer, +15% > 50% = 100k
-Ram's hammer, +15% > 50% = 70-80k
-War hammer, +15% > 50% = 20ecto? maybe bit more
-Bkudgeoner, +15% > 50% = 60-80e (not sure sry)
-Marble hammer, +15% > 50% = 100k
-Melon hammer, +15% > 50% = 50-70e imo
-Righteous maul, +15% > 50% = 100k
-Twin hammer, +15% > 50% = 100k
-Plagueborn maul, +15% > 50% = 50-60e
-Break hammer, +15% > 50% = 70k
-Mursaat hammer, +15% (ench) = 20e
-Golden maul, +15% (ench) = 30e
-Clouded maul, +15% (ench) = 30e
-Zodiac hammer, +15% (ench) = 15e
-Gavel of the nephilim, +15% (ench) = 50k
-Summit hammer, +15% (ench) = not sure sry
-War hammer(spike), +15% (ench) = 60k
-Foehammer, +15% (ench) = 30k
-Runic hammer, +15% -10 (attac) = 20k
-War hammer, +15% -10 (attac) 10-20k
-Colossal pick, +15% -5 ener = 30-50k
-Wolf hammer, +15% -5 ener = 30-50k

6 Bows :
all agreed with pleikki =)

13 Daggers :
-Stilletos, +15% -5 ener = 70k
-Kukris, +15% -5 ener = 100k
-Split chakrams, +15% (st) = 100k
-others agreed with pleikki

hope this helps =)