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IGN: Arutha Leshwalker
Upgrades, Mods :
StaffInsightful Head +5 energy - 750 gold - 3 in stock
DaggerZealous Tang +1/-1 energy - 4k - 2 is stock
Vampiric Tang +5/-1 health - 1.5k - 1 in stock
Enchanting Handle 20% enchantments - 3k - 3 in stock
BowsZealous Bowstring +1/-1 energy - 750 gold - 1 in stock
ScytheZealous Snathe +1/-1 energy - 8k - 2 in stock
Enchanting Grip 20% enchantments - 8k - 1 in stock
SpearZealous Head +1/-1 energy - 4.5k - 1 in stock
Vampiric Head +5/-1 health - 750 gold - 1 in stock
Fortitude Grip +30 hp - 6k - 1 in stock
AxeEnchanting Grip 20% enchantments - 3k - 1 in stock
SwordEnchanting Pommel 20% enchantments - 4k - 1 in stock
FocusFortitude Core +30 hp - 1.5k - 1 in stock
Shield and Focus-2 dmg while enchanted - 1k - 1 in stock
Reduces blind - 3k - 1 in stock
+10 armor vs Fire - 5k - 2 in stock
+10 armor vs Blunt - 3k - 1 in stock
WeaponDmg +15% < 50 - 750 gold - 5 in stock
Spellcasting WeaponsAptitude Not Attitude HCT 20% - 8k - 2 in stock
Energy +5 while enchanted - 2k - 1 in stock
Seize the Day 15/-1 energy - 2k - 1 in stock
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Lucius Agathon
+10 armor vs Earth - 3k - 1 in stock
IGN: Lucius Agathon
IGN: Lucius Agathon
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Bump up my post
Grim Aragorn
Spear Furious head Double Adrenaline 10% - 8k
IgN= Unseen Flux
IgN= Unseen Flux
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Bump up my post