Ganking has absolutely nothing to do with your utopian vision of equity.
Ganking: has to do with the idea of targeting and overpowering a higher threat for the sake of preventing victory in succession. If any particular guild or group wins HoH excessively and flaunts their titles in town enough times, they become a target for other groups. So when inside HoH, players remember the HoH messages, recognize the guild tag(s), recall those members flaunting their titles and rank-spiking, and carry out their spite accordingly.
All I did was convey a reason why ganking is good for the sake of change, keeping the outcome sporadic as opposed to redundant. Watching the same team dominate HoH for a whole entire day is not exactly encouraging, and over time, it would begin to dishearten players and drive them away because they're simply tired of facing the same team while standing little to no chance due to the OP'd and imbalanced team build(s) they're using. Meanwhile, the elitist groups [r11++] increase in fame, get their r15 from holding HoH in 1v1 all day and night every night [if 1v1 were the only existing option], and proceed to taunt, demean, and step on everyone lesser in rank with the flaunting of titles and /rank spikes... because they CAN.
So, if there's a glass of water filled to the middle, is it half full or half empty? I see it as half full because ganking allows for the possibility of overthrowing of the r11++ groups, thus enabling teams to stop the r11++ HoH-holders from overstaying their welcome and making it to r15 in a week [ exaggeration, I know... but you get the point!].